John 14 Comes to Life
Mom and I were in the middle of our Bible study and the Lord is so good to open up His Word to us, shining a light on what is crucial for us to know. As we read this morning some things absolutely stand out. We were reading in John 14. Wow! What a powerful area of Scripture with some amazing promises. If you just read slowly digesting, not jut ingesting, the Word, it will wreck you in a good way.
Mom and I were in the middle of our Bible study and the Lord is so good to open up His Word to us, shining a light on what is crucial for us to know. As we read this morning some things absolutely stand out. We were reading in John 14. Wow! What a powerful area of Scripture with some amazing promises. If you just read slowly digesting, not jut ingesting, the Word, it will wreck you in a good way.
As we were in John 14, the Lord reminded us of those who are faithful to Him and those who are not. We were reminded of the Parable of the Ten Virgins/Bridesmaids in Matthew 25:1-13. They were supposed to prepare and wait for the Bridegroom to come to begin the wedding procession. But the Bridegroom so long that they ALL fell asleep.
The Wise and Foolish Virgins/Bridesmaids of Matthew 25
We see that 50%, or 5 out of the 10 virgins, were wise in preparing by buying extra oil for their lamps. The other 5 foolish ones did not prepare. So what is the Lord saying in that parable? That it is not a sin, or missing the mark, to sleep, but it is to sleep in an unprepared state. Why so "harsh"? Well, first, they were bridesmaids in a wedding, so they knew that the bridegroom would come so that they could start the marriage procession. Second, they knew it would be at night so that they needed their lamps to light their way in the dark. And even if it could be argued that they did not anticipate him coming at night, there was still the chance that he would. And to be clear, historically, nighttime was when the bridegrooms' processions would go to get the brides. Those are two very pressing reasons they should have been prepared. Thirdly, they should have known that realistically once the bridegroom came it would be time to start and therefore, there would be no time to run out to get extra oil.
Just on those three reasons alone, those ladies should have known better. This is a picture of the Church as a whole and those who profess Christ as Savior individually. Let's look at the individual meaning. (See my book, "Walking in Fulfillment of Prophetic Revelation: The Naturally Supernatural Life" for the application to the Church Body as a whole.) On an individual level, Jesus is saying, I am telling you and I have told you that I am coming back to get you. See John 14:1-6. He had been telling them the deal for 3 years and His Word informs us (in the modern era) very well of His intentions. We cannot claim ignorance. And though some will die before His return, we must make sure that if that is to be the case, we are prepared when we fall "asleep." You see, when He comes back in the clouds as He left and the dead in Christ are awakened they'd better awake prepared. Yes, I believe that the sleeping is the believer who dies in Christ. Remember when the little girl died and the Lord said she "sleeps." That's because no one really dies but just "pass away" from their physical body. Even Lazarus, Jesus said, was only sleeping. So some will die in Christ prepared and some not prepared. And the ones who are not prepared they will not be allowed into the "wedding feast " of the millennia because they did not nurture intimate relationships with the Bridegroom, Jesus Christ not did what He said to do.
Who is Prepared?
Those prepared are the ones who have fostered an intimate relationship with Jesus now while they are in the land of the living. It's too late when you die and are raised again on that Day. John 14:15 tells us that those who love Jesus obey His commandments, and in verse 21 He says those who demonstrate their love by obeying Him are the ones who love Him and whom He loves and the Father and They (FATHER AND SON) will come and take up residence with them. That's a whole other post by itself. By salvation they would already have the Holy Spirit. But it is through intimacy that we truly have the Father and the Son manifested in our lives. So what am I saying? To be recognized by Jesus on that Day one has to have Him in intimate knowledge before that day and before physical death. Otherwise, the words they will hear are what those foolish bridesmaids heard, "I do not know you." How am I sure He meant that on a individual level? He tells us in Matthew 25:13, paraphrased, watch because you do not know the day or hour in which I will return.
Listen, friends, it's okay to sleep, but the Word tells us in so many ways to be prepared before that time. Many have fallen asleep unprepared. And really, no one has a excuse; especially with the proliferation of modes of communication today. And of course, the Hoy Spirit Himself Who is constantly wooing us to the Son. We do not know the day or hour of His return but we know that He will without a doubt.
My job: Sound the clarion call of His soon coming return! Every believer has the same job. But according to our various callings, our methods of communication would differ but the message should never differ. It's not that hard. Preach what Jesus preached. Disciple like He said to disciple. Everything else is garbage and man-made drivel from the pit of hell. Truth folks is not a thing; Truth is a Person! Follow Him and you will never walk in darkness - John 8:12.
My job: Sound the clarion call of His soon coming return! Every believer has the same job. But according to our various callings, our methods of communication would differ but the message should never differ. It's not that hard. Preach what Jesus preached. Disciple like He said to disciple. Everything else is garbage and man-made drivel from the pit of hell. Truth folks is not a thing; Truth is a Person! Follow Him and you will never walk in darkness - John 8:12.
Love y'all!