You might be thinking, "Of course, God remembers!" He's all-knowing. But you and I know that it's one thing to know something and another thing to walk in revelation of it. When the Bible talks about knowing God, it is not referring to mental assent that He exists because you went to church as a child, learned this in Sunday school and not you know. You may even attend church services now. No, when we speak of knowing God, we are really referring to an intimate relationship with and a revelation of Who God is. What do I mean by that?
I mean, to know God is to know His love poured out for us in the Form of the Lord Jesus Christ. (John 3:16) There is no relationship with God outside of a relationship with Christ. That may fly in the face of all of the other world religions but that is the point. Christianity is not a religion as are the others. Christianity is the process by which, through the expression of God's love in Jesus Christ, we can relate to the Father (through the Son) and the Son through the Holy Spirit Who came to be with us when the Son returned to the Father. When Jesus was here on earth, man related to Him directly. When He went back we still relate to Him but through the Holy Spirit, the 3rd Person of the Trinity.
So getting back to God does not forget. I will use myself as an example. There have been times in my life when I have left a dream. By that, I mean I failed to pursue it or, perhaps, it was a project I left unfinished. Then, suddenly opportunities emerge to pursue the dream or an urgency in my spirit to complete a particular project because the fullness of its time has come. I may never find out why that particular time was the time it needed to be done other than it was God's timing. You see time is in His hands and we are on His timetable and not He on ours. He is not trapped in time and space like we are so He can, by His own will, bring around an opportunity again that we may have missed. Or did we miss it?
Perhaps our character was not yet properly developed to handle the responsibility of a particular position if we achieved it too early. The point is, we don't have to figure it all out. Whether we missed it or we did not, God's mercy and grace and His desire to see us become the people He has designed us to be and to complete our tasks He has ordained us to complete, is enough to make sure it happens.
When the Scripture tells us that "He Who began a good work in us will be faithful to complete it until the day of Jesus Christ," it means He takes all of our missteps, mishaps, sin, backsliding, mistakes, all of it, into consideration and is still able to bring about a great result. Will we get some bumps and bruises along the way? Absolutely! A perfect Christian walk is not a Christian walk. Only Jesus was perfect.
Obviously, I am not advocating willful and habitual sin because His grace has been poured out. It is indeed poured out but is not covered by the blood. That is after the person has received the revelation and the truth. See Hebrews 10:26-end. That's witchcraft. It's saying we have a better way than God, so we operate in our own human, then soon after, a demonic spirit. Any type of habitual sin is energized by a demonic spirit. That is really a open rejection of God and a deification of self - making self god over your life. The ultimate idolatry. Why is that so bad? It's what god Satan tossed out of heave with a third of the angels. He meant to ascend to God's throne - attempting to make himself god. Of course He could not do it. Which demonstrates another point - the heightened level of self-deception to the habitual sinner who has already received the truth. That person is given over as Paul said to the point where they can no longer receive.
You see many will preach grace as if it has not end, but even grace and mercy have ends. The Bible says "God will not always strive with man." Isn't it ridiculous that God should have to strive with man to do what is good for him? This all goes back to love, really. If you love you trust. If you trust, then there is no need to strive to have your own way.
So God remembers. He did not forget the dream He Himself put into your heart. Even when you forgot, He did not forget. He is faithful, even when we are not.
7 Signs that God is the One Who put the dream in you:
1.) You would never be able to complete it without Him.
It's far too big and too far outside of your reach and current level of influence and network. This is a good indication that you are not the author of the dream. God love to use the most unlikely people to do the impossible in areas they have not prior training. Or even if they are strain by man's standards, God may add a who new dimension so that without Him it would fail miserably. A time of fasting and prayer is not a bad idea in this case in order to get God's perspective and God's divine strategy. This is often a huge hurdle that stop most people from going forward with their God's dream. It is so unreal they cannot get past the fat that they have to rely on God so much that it may appear as if you are doing nothing. Stay close, connects, prayed up, read up, fasted up, and worshipped up... AT ALL TIMES!
2.) It is risky and to others you may even look like a reckless fool
Too many, you just seem like an idiot. "You're going to do what?" Are you kidding me? You're to old. You're too young. You're too fat. You're too skinny. You don't have the education, the training, the expertise. Blah, blah, blah, blah.
Now there are times when the person is being reckless because they did not hear from God. But when you know that you have heard from God and He has confirmed it, you must ignore the scoffers. You simply must. The dream will test your tenacity and ability to believe God above others.
Stay faithful to what He has told you even when others mock you.
3.) He would be the One to gain the fame, not you
Like Moses you are reluctant to be put into the spotlight. You know you are not able to do it and frankly you would rather not do it. You would rather just have you nice life on the backside of the desert with you Midian wife and your new Midian family. Until, the call come to go back to Egypt to make God famous and to free captives
Make sure you are pointing others to Him.
4.) His Kingdom is being built up, not yours
Even though Jesus came to bring His and His Father's Kingdom to earth as, for lack of a better term, an extension of heaven (your will be done here on earth as it is in heaven), He never did anything on His own authority. He was always submitted to and in deference to His Father. We know that He never came to establish His Kingdom. That is why the Roman Centurion impressed Him so much. That man understood authority. He told Jesus, "I too, am a man under authority." (CITATION). Don't ever believe your own press. So many believers get to a place of prominence and you would never know they did not get there on their own.
Realize that the Kingdom you are building is His.
5.) He gets the glory for any and all accomplishments, not you
When God allows your gift to not only make room for you but to cause you to shine, man will put you on a pedestal and try to exalt you. The minute you accept that exaltation, it's the beginning of the end. But let me be clear, it may not be the beginning of the end of the exaltation, but it is most certainly the beginning of the end of the relationship with God unless you take steps to avoid it all together, or if that's too late and the slide has already begun, then repent, ask Him to forgive you, and get back into fellowship with the One who loves you beyond any measure of human love. Losing the relationship with Him is never worth it.
Make sure to give Him the glory at all times.
6.) It humbles you instead of putting pride into you
The Bible tells us that Jesus was a meek man. Notice I did not say timid. Meek means although He had an unimaginable amount of power to overcome any force with which man could withstand him, He restrained it that power. He was the most patient individual Who ever lived. To know what He knew and be capable of what He was capable of would take the ultimate amount of self-control not to defend himself or overthrow the tyrannical Roman government. That is why the fruit of the spirit, which witnesses Jesus life through us, is: Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. (Gal. 5:22) Jesus was the ultimate in all areas and to walk like Him means we must walk in all of these areas. Four and seven are my areas of challenge and in some cases number nine. But either I am getting more seasoned with age or more like Jesus. Prayerfully, it's the latter. I find the more I am able to give over to Him by not worrying, the more I am able to exhibit the nine fruit of the Spirit.
As an important side note, my words for 2016 are "intentionality" and the closely related "focus". These 2 are my rally-cries this year. I am not sure how I am doing but they are very much front and center as I make decisions about my time and my actions. If we focus on what God has called us to do and do it with intentionality, then there is no need to try to control other people, places, and things. I believe we lack all 9 of the fruit especially peace and patience when we try to branch over into areas that are not ours.
This is very important to remember. It is the reason why you have to know what you are here for. Most people will just stumble through life, end up in a job, stay miserable in it, retire, die and never do what they were intended to do. So if you never meet the One Who is Love, you can never do the other 8 fruit. That means you won't have joy; you won't have peace; you won't patience; you won't have kindness; you won't have goodness; you won't have gentleness; you won't have faithfulness; and you won't have self-control. By the way, you might be able to pretend at all these things but you would neither be genuine in your experience nor your demonstration.
Stay humble. And...
Be real. Find the thing for which you were put here and do it!
7.) There is a very steep learning curve as in you are not qualified
That is, you are not qualified until God equips you, the whole of you. That means, an anointing (empowerment) in your spirit, the maturity in your soul, and the practical training necessary to represent the Lord Jesus Christ in excellence. The learning curve on all of those areas are quite steep. It would take a miracle for you to be the one to do it. And if you are a, shall we say, "strong-willed" child like me, you might walk with a limp because you would have tried to do things your own way and end up with a wrestling that would leave you with a blessing but with a limp as well. Yet the blessings so far exceeds the limp, I believe we will hardly notice it.
Now on those last 3, I don't mean the cursory, "Oh, God did it. You know...not just little old me." Meanwhile we are all led to think you did it. Don't be pretentious and don't be like Nebuchadnezzar who had to lose his mind before he ascribed all of the glory to God. Friend, without God we can't take a breath.
Trust Him in the preparation but do not hesitate when He is ready to launch you. If He thinks you are ready, then you are ready.
What does all of this have to do with God remembers the dream? Well, when you are stewarding a big dream, the enemy will come at you in many different ways to get you off course. I wanted to introduce some his tactics so that you are not surprised by them. We all fall short, none of use are perfect, yet God chooses to use us, as imperfect as we are, to accomplish His will here on earth. He has made it our domain. We lost the key to our domain in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve fell. But those who are in Christ have regained that authority. "The earth is the Lord's, and its fullness thereof." And "we are co-heirs of Jesus Christ." That means His stuff is our stuff, too.....IN CHRIST. So don't be disqualified from living the dream He has placed in your. Be ready, put on your armor (manifested in Jesus), Eph. 6:10-20, stand your ground, and take back what belongs to God wherever He causes your feet to tread.