Friday, January 29, 2016

God's Attributes Series: God Can Handle Your Mess

Friends, listen. God can handle your mess because He knows that we will mess up. He knows that Jesus Christ is the only One who walked this earth in perfection. He knows. He ministered this truth to me recently. And it's not that I did not have mental knowledge of this, but it's another thing to have it revealed, to live it out. All glory to Him! But please know that I am speaking from experience when I say, He can handle our mess-ups. And when I say mess, I am referring to the full range from veering off a particular path to blatant sin. So what does He do in "handling" it?


Out of love and in His desire to further His own plan, God orchestrates circumstances and events to match your mistakes by readjustment and realignment to make sure that all those whose hearts are inclined toward Him will indeed come to His desired end. Whose desired end? His.

So am I saying to mess up on purpose in presumption that He will fix our mess. No! You better not. Read Hebrews 10:26 on. There is crucial truth on presumptive sin. It's a dangerous game to play. If you already have a revelation of Jesus Christ in your life and you decide to purposefully sin, woe unto you.

But if you are to be a dancer, a singer, a teacher, a doctor, a lawyer, a combination of several things. He knows how to get you there. It may not be a straight path. That is extremely rare. There are going to be hills and valleys, twists and turns to how we get to where He is taking us. It makes the experience richer and gives us much precious lessons to share with others and to enrich His ministry through us. How can I minister what mercy is unless I have needed and received mercy. How can I know what forgiveness is unless I have needed and experienced forgiveness. Do you see where I'm going with this. He uses our mess-ups and veering off the path to get us our message.

The Bible tells us that Jesus, Himself, the perfect One, "though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered." (Hebrews 5:8).  We also learned that He was glorified in direct response to His suffering. He obeyed, He suffered, and He was glorified. When was He glorified? After He had suffered. Why should you be any different? You are not. The student is not better than the teacher. The servant no greater than the Master. Romans 8:17 tells us: " and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together."



God knows those of us whom He has gifted to be anything, go anywhere, and do anything. We are like blank slates in a way. He writes on us what He wants to at anytime. But it is possible for us to allow others to write on us as well. Some people are great influencers for good and some for bad. The enemy will also use people to influence you for what seems good but if it is not what God wants, then it really is not good. Only God is good. So anything can be written on a blank slate. Of course, that analogy is not perfect. We come with our life experiences and histories but a blank slate does not come with preconceived goals and ambitions but to trust and obey God. Now He can and does use our many experiences to enrich our walk and our ministries. However, some tangents are colossal wastes of time. That does not keep us from going on them. Mostly because at the time we are not sure it is not Him. Yet, if you love Him He can handle that mess.


So if my heart is inclined to do right and to live a righteous life, if my default is going God's way, then He goes out of His way to make sure that I am taken care of. There are angels encamped about me at all times and Jesus Himself is with me. That's the promise. My job is to come to Christ so that I can discover who I am and why I am here. His job is to clean me up when I come to Him in sincerity, teach Me His ways, Guide me, keep me hemmed in so that I never go so far that I miss my destiny.

Trust me. He is bringing you to a spectacular place . You would never believe it if He told you. And one thing to keep in mind, His end is really only a beginning.

God has a pretty big job, but He can handle your mess. That's where your testimony comes from. The mess give you your life's message. So don't glorify the mess; glorify God Who will use it to bring you to your spectacular end.

Ending prayer.

Hope you are having a great God-filled day!

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