Thursday, April 19, 2018

Seeking Input from Blog Readers

Hello Friends,

I am seeking your help and input as readers of my blog posts, books, Facebook or Twitter posts.  I pray that they have been fresh insight from the Lord that has taught, informed, helped, healed, lead to Christ, delivered from fear of the unknown, demystified the walk with Christ, as well as the prophetic and walking in the Spirit, and much more. Our God is unlimited in how He chooses to bless people. Thankfully, we do not have to have a perfect walk or even a walk that has already reached the destination. Remember how the father of the prodigal son ran to him while the son was still quite a long way off. That is exactly how our Lord does it. He runs to the one coming to Him while still quite a long way off from the destination. 

Friends, it's coming to me. Isn't that exactly what God did in the form of HIs Son Jesus Christ by sending Him to earth 2000 plus years ago. God did not need us. He chose us. He chose to send His only Son while we were still lost in sin, far apart, and aliens to Him. He sent Jesus to reconcile His family. That is the heart of the Father; reconciliation at all cost, even the cost of His only begotten Son. I don't know about you, but that just about brings tears to my eyes and a lump in my throat. I am overcome and undone by His goodness. Aren't you?

So I do not even want to pretend to know how He has used me in your life, but I humbly ask you to share in a comment or email to me. If you can do so in a comment, I believe it would help others as well. I am not seeking glory, I am just flesh and blood. Yet, He chooses to partner with us to do His will. Actually, partner is a pretty strong role. We are His vessels of honor when we choose to answer His call. Praise Him!

Also, I would really like to hear of any as yet uncovered subject matter in this blog or my books. What would you all would like to see me cover as the Lord provides insight? There are about to be some pretty significant changes in platform and methods of offering my content to make this more accessible to more people. So I really want to hear from you all. Even if it's just a sentence, the more the better of what God has done in your lives. And really, even if it's a testimony of God's greatness apart from my participation, please feel free to share. I am sure someone, if not many, will be encouraged and perhaps even substantively helped and transformed themselves. Your story is powerful! Use it to bring Him glory.

There is more on the horizon, folks! Stay tuned but please write a testimonial in the comments section with at least your first name. Recognizing that this blog is globally accessed, if you must remain anonymous please label your comment/testimonial as such. 

All the best for a fantastic rest of the year and life in our soon coming King Jesus, the Christ!!

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Blessings in Christ,