Wednesday, October 13, 2021

TRUMP V: The Humbling and the Return to Power

TRUMP V: The Humbling and the Return to Power

The last Trump post I submitted was well over three years ago. And while I thought I was done; it has become abundantly clear - in a recent dream - matched one from about four years ago to the day of the first Trump dream. 

This fifth post points to the factor that provides the humbling of the Nebuchadnezzar-like figure we see in President Trump. 

The Original Dream of around March 16, 2016 (2 days before the 3/18/2016 post):

Oval office secret meeting, standing, hushed tones...."Let's hear what the Lord has to say first."

The most recent dream of March 16, 2020:

Above the U.S. over California red states the exploding with glorious light. Aware of the nations that were worst hit: China, Iran, Italy. 

Glory hitting places hardest hit. Becoming red states?




Today is Wednesday, October 13, 2021. The Above draft was written on the evening of April 13, 2020, during the COVID-19 global pandemic response. At that time, I had no idea that November 3rd of 2020 would go down the way it did. And as we now know, that was the most significant factor in President Trump, our Nebuchadnezzar figure. 


On that note, let us harken back to that 1st Trump post. At that time when the Lord said Mr. Trump was more like Nebuchadnezzar and he gave the dream about him being in the Oval Office dealing with a never before seen issue that his presidency faced, I had no idea that he would have to leave the White House much like Nebuchadnezzar had to leave his palace until he realized who is really God, Who is really in control. And when He did, then, and only then, was he restored to His Kingdom.


God is so ready and willing to bring restoration when we are in order. So, this is not just about Mr. Trump. It is all of us who think we have so much control and seek control and to pump ourselves and to have money and power, and whatever else we idolize. 


What I am saying is that there is a return to office and to the White House coming for Mr. Trump and I do not believe it is because of the 2024 presidential election, which we can about kiss good-bye if the tide of this debacle of this so-called Biden presidency is not brought to a close, we will not have a country to speak of but only a shell of what it once was. I say this because the Biden presidency is illegitimate, and everyone involved knows it including the lying media.


I have made a video to go with this blog post because this must be voiced. God has given me that responsibility.


Like, Nebuchadnezzar, President Trump, though very capable, talented, and successful, is by no means responsible for any of it. It is all because of what God gifted and graced him with. Winning the presidency was a miracle in and of itself. He seems to have a supernatural covering and protection. But his main problem has been his bravado. 


I remember last summer; I had a keen sense that the president needed to publicly take a knew in humility and submission to God and that it needed to be done in September. If you remember, last September, he had covid and although he was planning to attend Jonathan Cahn's "Return", he was not able to attend but along with the First Lady sent a letter in recognition of the event. I remember wondering if that would be enough and even praying to God that He would accept it as such. At that time, I had no idea the election would go the way it went. 


Now, I see it was the plan all along. The cheating and fraud of the democrats, RINOS, and everyone involved in the apparent "downfall" of Mr. Trump were only playing into God's hand to teach Mr. Trump Who is God and to restore him to his post once he does. God is not done with Mr. Trump, and He is not done with America. 


So, let us hearken back to my dream and blog written March 18, 2016. I had been steadily "campaigning" for Ted Cruz and the time and really did not think Donald Trump had any business running for president. I thought it was a joke at first. Then....God gave me a dream. Some may remember it, but it was about Mr. Trump and in the dream, I saw him in the oval office meeting with about three other individuals of elevated position. The tenor of the meeting was that there was a situation in the country that was clearly beyond the individual, and collective, ability to resolve. In this meeting, the men were standing and speaking in hushed tones, more like whispers. A bit strange for an official meeting. But the sense was that the situation was so grave, that they spoke so no one would overhear them. Next, Donald Trump said right as there were about to start the meeting, "First, let's hear what God (or the Lord) has to say." He did not want to move forward without a now word from God. At that point, my whole tune towards Donald Trump changed and I wrote the first Trump blog about God not needing our permission in choosing a leader. He clearly had chosen Mr. Trump, an imperfect vessel like the rest of us.


Now, whether COVID-19 is the thing that stumped these leaders, I am not sure. It could be that or the next thing, and worse thing, to hit the world. By then, Mr. Trump will know that He has no other course of action but to seek God for His wisdom because man's will be insufficient. I believe, this problem will threaten the continued existence of mankind but that God, when sought, will give the answer to His servant, the prophet through whom He speaks, and there will be a reprieve at that time.


The fraud of the 2020 election had confirmed what God had said even before Donald Trump election as president in 2016, that his presidency would be interrupted for a time. Like Nebuchadnezzar needed to come to grips with his real position before God, so did Donald Trump. He would have to leave the White House, just as Nebuchadnezzar had to leave his palace in Babylon, for a time of reckoning before God. And while it took 7 years for Nebuchadnezzar to get the message; prayerfully, it will not take President Trump that long to truly recognize who the King of kings is and where all power and authority comes from. My sense is that it will not.


Prophetically, I believe President Trump has already begun to "get it" and that when he does return to the White House, he returns as a born-again Spirit-filled man of God! And friends, I believe, at that point, America will be hungry for such a one because of the state of the country then and where is quickly descending to. Obviously, our hope is not in the Donald Trump the man, our hope is in the God behind and, we pray, within the man. 

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