Monday, September 19, 2022

What Can You Do About the Current State of Affairs #3?


        What Can You Do About the Current State of Affairs #3?


Hi again!


Some of you might have guessed the answer to my question about what we can do about the sickness of fear spreading - by design - in the world today - causing many to lose heart. 


But YOU do not lose heart! 


Help is on the way!


Actually, help is here and available!


What am I talking about “Help is here?”


Help has already been sent.


How do you cure the sickness of fear?






God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and love and sound mind.




           Perfect Love CASTS OUT FEAR!


Fear cannot exist where His love is, and His love only comes from HIM!


You see, fear will eventually cause you to lose your mind. Some people are still functioning and existing, but they do so under the weight of fear. When fear goes unchecked, it will eventually win over.


The only way to truly win over it is to LOVE! Love covers a multitude of sin.

Love never fails


We love in the following order





            SELF (Love your neighbor as yourself).








Are you surprised that I said love was the answer to our current state of affairs?


Did you expect a “political” answer like a particular party or vote is the answer? Did you expect a “military” answer?


Sorry, folks! 




LOVE is a person – God manifest in Jesus Christ!


Christ is the answer to our current state of affairs.


How do we manifest Christ in the earth is to LOVE. 


When we love like God loves – we become the answer in the earth. 


Hell has no match for LOVE. It is the most powerful force on earth – even more than hate. As a matter of fact – LOVE is INFINITELY MORE POWERFUL than hate.


So how do we get that kind of LOVE


We learn from LOVE HIMSELF …




This course is being introduce so that anyone can take it at the introductory price of $35 (there is even a pay what you want option starting at $25), which includes a PowerPoint presentation with slide-by-slide video, a booklet with guidance for your course journal, 3 levels of coaching sessions available, with some bonuses, and more!


Check it out and sign up here

Sunday, September 18, 2022


What Can You Do About the Current State of Affairs #2?


Hi again!


We're discussing the answer to the sickness of fear that's spreading in the land. What are we as private citizens to do because there are more of us than there are of them. We the decent citizens of these United States of America are being silenced, intimidated, blocked, censored, canceled and worse! 


Yes, it's real. 


But there is an answer, a cure for this disease of fear. 


Who will seek and serve in this dangerous hour?


Well, we just celebrated the 235th anniversary of our U.S. Constitution, and my husband's birthday on September 17th. And, boy, has it been a trying time in our country! More than ever before.


And you can imagine how wonderful those freedoms recognized as from our Creator and protected in the primary Constitution, the Bible, and the U.S. Constitution when they were initially enjoyed by the settlers to the New World - now they're trying to push this New World Order. But imagine how precious those freedoms were then. 


Well, only 235 years later we're about to lose those very freedoms. Which ones, you say? All of them! We now stand on the brink of wholly engaging in communism as a country. Something we never though could happen here. 


Give me some specifics, you say. 


Our government has gone rogue and up is down, down is up, good is evil, and evil is given a platform and a pedestal as good.


FBI raids on private citizens, including a president, a business owner, and certainly more people than we know of. Arrests of innocents while hoodlums and murders go free. Some are arrested and released quickly after. Places like New York are releasing dangerous criminals back into society while law enforcement is left scratching it's head. What is really going on here?


The surge in crime all across this country is in direct correlation with the surge of illegal immigrants invited in by this Administration.


Coming in with this surge of illegality are massive amounts of fentanyl, an extremely dangerous narcotic, brought in by the Mexican drug cartels, and who knows who else.  But this fentanyl is resulting is massive amounts of drug overdoses when laced on certain other drugs.


We are also dealing with record amounts of suicides. (More on that in another blog post).


We are also dealing with the highest level of inflation in 50 years. The prices of everything we need to live is up. And remember the baby formula shortages of just a few months ago while pallets of the stuff were going to the Southern border to feed the babies of illegal immigrants. All babies should have enough food. If you know me, you know I'm not advocating for any baby to have to go without food. However, any country's leadership should know that you take care of your own first. That is not what is happening in our seats of government. They want to bring on globalism and they want it now. Who will stop them. That is the reason for advocating for chaos in every sphere of society. And don't get me started on the crookedness that exists in elections on both sides of the aisle. 


Need I go on?


Yet, the government instead of dealing with these grave problems on such a large scale on a national level, these issues we are facing as a country, they instead focus on terrorizing private patriotic citizens.  And for what? Supporting president Trump? Really? Why are they so afraid of one man? Who is apparently no longer in power. Don't they have all the power? Is that where we have come to? It that who we are now?


Is there no more freedom of association from the 1st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution? Freedom of speech is no more either. If one of these rights is in jeopardy, they are as we have seen. We spied on, listened to, canceled, harassed, and more because we subscribe to what's called Conservative views. My views are biblical and where there is any discord between that and Conservatives, guess what? Conservatism loses. 



No, we are in the fight of our lives as a nation, as "we the people, and as individuals?


Yes, our own government, instituted to do the will of the people, seems to have declared war on us.


Parents concerned about the education of their children have been called domestic terrorists by justice department officials. Yes, parents! Perhaps, they think by simply stating something, whether truth of lie, somehow makes it true. 


How is a parent a domestic terrorist solely by expressing concern about their children's education going off the rails. The seeds of indoctrination are being planted in schools all over America. Parents are being labeled with the hideous names because they are objecting to the objectionable. In school board meetings they are being intimidated but holding their ground on behalf of their children. They simply want to replace CRT loving communistic school board members.


We are a nation under siege of terroristic Marxists, communists, fascist curs.






With all of this, we are still the answer! We the people! And certainly, we the people of God to stem the tide of this tsunami of this thing that is nothing short of demonism. 


"What can I do?" You say.


Take charge! 


Do the work! 


No more sticking your head in the sand and saying, "This will all go away shortly. 


No, it won't!


Don't wait for permission to exercise your rights to questions these blatant acts of Communism and Fascism in our country. The only reason to engage in Marxist Stalinist tactics is to destroy a nation - this nation! 


Hey, I know what communism has to offer the American people - I lived in China for a while. Lovely people, but do you know what communism has to offer us?



Nothing! That's what!


This is why I ran for the U.S. Congress to represent the 6th District of South Carolina. I did move forward with the nomination but it's clear God still wants me to use my voice to speak out and to offer His solutions to what we are facing in this country today, which we have never before faced. Have been always had people on the inside who hated America and for pay would see her destroyed? Yes, but we have never had it to this level and with such force and power - dark power. 


I have no political aspirations but to serve my God first, then my fellow man and my country! That is and that's what anyone entrusted with elected office should want to do also. But, unfortunately, for too long we have turned a blind eye until - well, this is what we get for being callous with our vote and consequently our voice. No vote, no voice. No voice, no say in what happens in the country. 


And then there's election integrity. We need paper ballots, no machines, same day voting, no drop boxes, voter identification, clean up the voter rolls by removing the deceased, and so on. But we see that neither side, no matter what some leaders ay to our faces, want anything to do with true election integrity. Just lip service!


No, I'm a messenger and minister of the Gospel no matter what role and function I possess. I have been chosen for this generation and so have you.


I will still do my part by writing, speaking, teaching, coaching, creating content, and presenting courses. 


More on that ...


Next ...

Saturday, September 17, 2022

What Can You Do About the Current State of Affairs?


We can all agree that the world, more than ever, is in a sad state of affairs. 


You do not have to look far to see the fear and trepidation that’s crept into all of life - seemingly overnight. Although it’s been building for some time, the manifestation has been sudden. Crime, drug addictions and overdoses, surges of illegal immigration, suicides, human trafficking, inflation with cost of living, all rising to a seemingly impossible high. Seems like every bad thing is on the rise. 


How can we survive this? 


How can you stay sane let alone encouraged and joyful? 


Great question!


We know that the government doesn’t seem to have the solutions you and I need, even though we are to believe that the brightest minds are at the helm in Washington, D.C and elsewhere. Yet, every day, things seem to get worse even though our leaders tell us differently. They placate us with this bill and that measure. They seem to think we’re blind, deaf, and dumb. Yet, we see that things are not indeed getting better.


Additionally, friends and family don’t seem to have the answers either. 


So, what can we do to stem the tide of this ever-increasing fear of danger on every side – physically, economically, relationally, psychologically, medically, nationally, even globally. 


What is the cure for this sickness called fear? 


Even if you do know the answer, how do you access it? How can you protect yourself, friends, and family? 


To hear the answer to this, please stay tuned here.


We can get through this! We really can, no matter what you are facing personally! 


And yes, government its a place, friends and family have their place, but they are not the answer. 


Believe it or not, YOU ARE the answer!


Shocking? Yes, I know.  

I will show you how.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Earth is Our Proving Ground

Earth is Our Proving Ground

We came from God and at the end of this earth journey, God’s plan is that we would go back to Him. I say His plan because He has given us the choice to choose or to reject Him. How do we do that? By accepting Christ as our Savior and walking with Him. Why? Because of the fall into sin in the Garden of Eden, a fall away from God, the only way to reconcile back into relationship with Him is through Jesus Christ. Apart from that there is no other way back. The only other alternative then is eternal separation from God in a place called hell.

Earth is our proving ground, meaning only our time here on earth will determine where we spend eternity. Once, our time here ends there is no more opportunity to choose – and not choosing is choosing. It is actually rejecting, Jesus the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6), and in effect, choosing to perish and spend eternity away from God.

Think about it! If Jesus did it all and we had no need to respond, everyone who ever lived would be in heaven and there would be no need for the Word that broad is the road that leads to destruction and many there are who take it, but narrow is the road that leads to life, but few there are who FIND the narrow and difficult road. [Paraphrased]. Here's the text: 

Matthew 7:13-14

13 “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. 14 [a]Because narrow is the gate and [b]difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.

 James 4:8

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.

Jeremiah 29:12-14

12 Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. 13 And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you, says the Lord, and I will bring you back from your captivity; I will gather you from all the nations and from all the places where I have driven you, says the Lord, and I will bring you to the place from which I cause you to be carried away captive.

If anyone tells you that your actions, words, and thoughts don’t matter and that Jesus did everything when He died, they are either ignorant of God’s Word or they’re trying to deceive you into some level of feel-good Christianity from the pit.

The Bible is full of proof from Genesis to Revelation of the very opposite. In Genesis, we see our fore parents, Adam and Eve, who introducing sin into the world by going against God’s instructions. That’s why we, as their descendants, are in the mess we are in today.

In the book of Revelation, we see the rise of anti-Christ and the decisions that all those alive at the time will have to make, take a mark and belonging to Satan or become and remain true to Christ and possibly lose your life. But even before that, we see the seven churches, also representative of modern-day Christianity, showing from the time of the writing mankind has not changed. In the letters, we see that only two of the seven churches remained faithful to God while the others did some good. Yet, the Lord had a charge against them that if they did not follow His instructions to rectify their major wrongs, there would be grave consequences. Still, He rewarded those who would hold on to the end, calling then overcomers. (Revelation 2 & 3).

Those are only a few examples for the sake of time. The 10 commandments plus the one to love our neighbors as ourselves are also instructions for us. We know that all of the requirements for fellowship with God are fulfilled in Christ and we who are His do the same as we walk in the Spirit. God is after our maturity and becoming as the Lord Jesus Christ was when He walked the earth. Jesus was the ultimate in obedience to God. He was our model and still is today!

So, what we do, say, and think (yes, think) determines whether we choose an eternal reward in heaven with God or eternal damnation in hell with Satan, his demons, and all those who rejected Christ. In other words, we get to choose eternal life of eternal death.

Friend, study the Word of God because if you don’t know your Word, you are a prime target for the enemy and those he uses to deceive people. Everything that sounds good isn’t necessarily good. Just like all that glitters is not gold. There are many charismatic deceivers out there. Don’t fall victim to them.

Study the Word. Know the Word. We are each accountable to Know God for ourselves and we cannot know Him without knowing His Word. He’s inviting you to a deeper more intimate walk with Him.

I have 3 encouraging Scriptures for you:

John 3:16

For God SO LOVED the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever (that means anybody) believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.

That tells me that because of the fall into sin in the Garden of Eden everyone born afterwards is perishing and will perish, unless, they choose to identify with the Son of God and His death on the Cross and accept His sacrifice as if they died because of their sin. His death instead of ours. Jesus paid our sin debt which is death. The ultimate sacrifice One for all and once for all.

James 4:8

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your handsyou sinners; and purify your heartsyou double-minded.

We do the drawing first, then God draws close. Yet, I believe He works in us by His Holy Spirit to woo us. His love is unmistakably magnetic, yet many still reject Him. 

Jeremiah 29:12-14

12 Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. 13 And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart14 I will be found by you, says the Lord, and I will bring you back from your captivity; I will gather you from all the nations and from all the places where I have driven you, says the Lord, and I will bring you to the place from which I cause you to be carried away captive.

Read that very slowly and meditate on it for a good 10 minutes. If this doesn't blow you away, nothing will! The God of the universe waits for us to seek Him and promises us not only freedom but really what He is promising is Himself! And there is no greater Gift!

Yes, earth is our proving ground! We get to respond to the love God poured out on us when He sent Jesus to die a sinner's death on an accursed Cross on Golgotha in our stead!  


Many blessings as you meditate and focus on Him today!


Earth is Our Proving Ground