Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Hello, all!

Thank you for visiting!

I have finally begun a blog....again.

This time I hope to post more regularly to connect with my readers, and other visitors, as we all dialogue about things covered in my books, and other appropriate subject matter. The goal is for us to all grow and encourage each other even when we have to respectfully disagree. My prayer is that this blog would remain upbeat and life-affirming regardless of the subject matter. So no room for angry posts. After all, learning is a process that can be quite enjoyable on this type of forum. I could never understand everything about you and you will never understand everything about me. The point is discuss and grow. So let's start the conversation, shall we?

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Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts. I look forward to connecting with you. In the meantime, please share this blog with your friends and family members.

Blessings in Christ,