Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Message "in" the leaves? The functions of the Divine Trinity

This morning after as I fixed my breakfast, my mind ran on a friend to whom God was revealing so much during a period in her life, she found it overwhelming, so she asked Him to stop. He did. And I am not sure if she ever entered another similar season. I hope so. Perhaps this is not the exactly the same, but I am determined to never ask God to stop revealing Himself to me. I love that He makes Himself available and "discoverable" at all times. The Bible tells us "It's the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter." (Proverbs 25:2). Why does He hide it? So we can seek it out. How do we seek it out? By seeking Him, the One Who concealed it. That a definite win-win! 

So perhaps it was no surprise that as I sat in the warmth of the sun's rays, which were streaming through the my bedroom window, eating my breakfast, He spoke a pretty simple message to explain in human terms the functions of the three Persons of the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. But first, a few remarks about what led up to this “message”.

My window faces a college campus, particularly the front lawn of the main building. I saw this lone figure walking back and forth on the snowy ground. it seemed quite odd so I contemplated whether to call security to have them keep an eye on him or just continue watching. I decided to watch. At one point he seemed to be fanning the flames of an invisible fire to keep his hand warm, then he threw a snow ball and walked about 50 yards, then back to the spot. He walked around the same general area for a while. Then something else caught my attention. It was no longer on the individual. I noticed the wind began to blow leaves almost in a definitive line. And I wondered if this was a coincidence. Here I am quietly sitting in the window eating my breakfast. My very distant thought was "Surely, they won't blow in this direction! Well, guess what happened?  The leaves started to move in my direction, some crossing the street and ending up right below my window, while others took flight and floated up to my eye level. It was the strangest sight to see leaves headed toward you from about 75 yards or more away. You may not think that strange but I thought it was fascinating! Was it just random or was God trying to capture my attention?

It may seem random to you but it was enough to capture my attention. And immediately after that episode, I began to think on the Trinity. And in my spirit I know the Holy Spirit was downloading something seemingly quite simple and perhaps not even original. But it was to me; so I am sharing it with you. He was speaking about the functions of the three Persons of the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

Of course, it is neither an exact representation, nor am I trivializing the subject matter. But God knows that we all need to understand and have relationship with each of the Persons of the Trinity. Together, They are Godhead; Individually, they are each equally God, never varying from each other, and always in perfect unity. And another thing you will notice about the Trinity from Scripture, is that each Person defers and holds Another to be the One to give attention to. For instance, God the Father focuses on God the Son and gives power, authority, and direction to God the Son. God the Son asked God the Father to send God the Holy Spirit, the Helper, to His (the Son’s) followers, those who obey His commandments. So the Father did. 
 In John 14:15-18:
"If you love Me, keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper that he may abide with you forever- "the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you. I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you."
The Father always says 'yes' to His Son when He prays. Now, God the Holy Spirit takes direction from God the Son, Who receives it from God the Father. Sound confusing? Let’s get back to the large corporate structure.


God the Father can be thought of as the Chairman of the Board of the entire universe and beyond. I often think of Father God as the ultimate Traffic Cop. He decides who goes where, what and when. He heads everything sending His Son to save the world in John 3:16
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him [the Son] will have not perish but have everlasting life.”  
This is the first Scripture my mom taught me as a kid. So Father God does the sending. Further, in 
John 20:17, after His resurrection, Jesus tells the disciples not to cling to Him as He had not yet ascended to the Father.  He then continues in saying, “Go to your brethren and say to them, I am ascending to My Father and your Father, and to My God and your God.”

So we see The Board of Directors is made up of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. All are very necessary to the running of the universe. God the Son can be likened to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the universe, responsible for overseeing the execution of the Board’s directives, and the management of Its “employees.”  The Father has given the Son all of the authority with which to carry out those directives. However, the Son does not have authority over the Father or for that matter over the Holy Spirit. The Father directs Them both. However, by the Father’s direction, the Holy Spirit takes direction from the Son for the benefit of the  sons and daughters of God.

God the Holy Spirit can be likened to the Chief Operations Officer, Who oversees the day-to-day functions of the Divine Company. He is the Helper, mentioned above, He enables us to carry out the will of God. Notice the Persons of the Trinity are the Chiefs; therefore, there are managers who carry out the day-to-day ‘tasks” in submission and report to the Chiefs. These managers are the ministers of the Gospel. That's each Christ-following believer. That means the ministers who are responsible to carry out the day to day tasks are fully resourced to do so. And if there is ever any lack in resources, all the minister needs to do is to use his faith to withdraw from God's infinite supply.

So we see the reason heaven needs neither a bank nor a CFO is because there is really nothing to regulate when the resources are infinite and eternal.  A bank is needed to regulate a finite amount of financial resources. Those who are faithful followers of Christ make withdrawals to do His will and to care for our needs by our faith that He is good to His Word at all times. Our faith in Him regulates or ability to withdraw from His infinite storehouse. [As an aside, faith does not exist outside of faithfulness] Doubt, however, robs us of that certainty and we often suffer for it. Doubt locks down the bank account while faith opens it up wide. Doubt causes us to be tightfisted and unfaithful with what God has given us. Friend, we can always trust in His goodness. Intimate connection to the Source, God the Father, administered by God the Son via God the Holy Spirit is all we need to have all we need at all times.

Now, some may take exception to my Corporate characterization of the functions of the Godhead. But that is what the Lord gave me this morning for the ones knew needed it to be "explained" in this way. Whether, you are in Corporate America or a stay-at-home mom, one of the greatest "jobs" in the world, this applies. I am not in Corporate now but I love how He took an experience and showed me how to apply it. Clearly, there is so much more the Trinity. But today, we are understanding more about the functions of all Three Persons. And the bottom line is, we need Him at all times and we need to be able to relate to the Three Persons of the Godhead. The Three in One.

Understandably, as humans, with only partial use of our brains, it is impossible to fully comprehend God with our minds, regenerate of otherwise. You and I must each experience Him and know Him in our eternal and potentially infinite spirits. In John 4:24, God describes Himself to us: "God is Spirit, so those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth." So if God the Father is Spirit and God the Holy Spirit is Spirit, that means two-thirds of the Godhead is Spirit. Food for thought. Until the next blog post... 

God bless you!

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