Thursday, November 20, 2014

"Precious", "Word of God", "Spice"

"Precious", "Word of God", "Spice"? What do these 3 words have in common? I am so glad you asked. This morning as I laid in bed enjoying my final moments just relaxing in God's presence I saw, in the Spirit, the word "precious," in quotation marks with a small "p." Then immediately what came to mind was the "Word of God" then the word "spice." Yes, I thought it was odd, too, but I've learned to just be patient. God was teaching me something, and I wanted to share it with you. To make this easier, I'll deal with each word, or group of words, separately then but them together and share what I believe God was saying in "precious" "Word of God" "spice."


When we think of  the word "precious" several images or thoughts jump into our minds, precious jewels, precious coins, and yes, precious people in our lives. And what are the some of the qualities of something precious? Rare, valuable, delicate, unique even. All of these are correct. Webster's dictionary defines precious as "of high price or great value; very valuable or costly; ... highly esteemed for some spiritual, nonmaterial, or moral quality; ... dear, beloved; ... affectionately or excessively delicate, refined or nice; ..dearly beloved person, a darling; ... extremely, very; ." There are a few more but there are the main ones.
But for the purposes of this discussions, let's focus on the 'high price, great value, costly, highly esteemed for some spiritual nonmaterial or moral quality. This last part of the definition is new to me. Isn't just amazing how it fits the subject matter. I am sure you know where I am going with this. Yes! The next words, "Word of God."

"Word of God"

The "Word of God" comes in more than one form. The words from God's mouth which created the world and everything in it from the Genesis 1. The Word of God that became flesh, Jesus Christ, (John 1:14). The Word of God, the Holy Bible, the Word of God as uttered through others, His ministers in various forms whether apostle, prophet, pastor, teacher, or evangelist or any believer for that matter. The promptings of the Holy Spirit can come in the form of words so that we know how to respond. All of this is, you guessed it, "precious." There are times when the word of the Lord is rare, the true Word of the Lord. But it always has great value on natural and spiritual levels. Could it be that there come be coming a time with it will once again be rare, like a precious jewel? Perhaps. That's why we should be getting as much of His Word in us so that we can live it. Especially, if one day we will not have as free access to it. I am not only speaking of the Holy Bible but other forms the Word. May it never be so. Next, the word "spice."


Now how does the word  "spice" fit into our current discussion. Well, again, let's see the definition of the word "spice". We find such words in the definition as: "seasoning, preservative, ...aromatic odor or fragrance, ... piquant interesting element or quality; zest." It's also something used to prepare or season. Don't you find it amazing that the Word of God is all of these things. It seasons or prepares us for life here now and that which is to come. It preserves us as we live out our life here on earth. It adds flavor to our otherwise bland lives. It adds zest so that we can live the abundant life Jesus, the Word, tells us He brings us in John 10:10. As we walk in obedience to God His Word adds the flavor of heaven to everything we do in alignment with Him. In Matthew 5:13-16, Jesus tells us that we are the salt and light of the earth. Salt is a seasoning, particularly a preservative. He reminds us that we ought to be salty and shining our lights. But He did not say salt, it was "spice." Spice is fragrant whereas salt is not, at least that is not the main characteristic of salt. Spice is aromatic and less common than salt. It changes the scent in a room. Like Spice, the Word of God changes everything it's applied to to bring in alignment with His Kingdom. Think of vanilla, cinnamon, anise, cumin, curry, saffron. Yum! Spices can also tend to make us hungry. We need to have more  hunger for the Word of God.

"Precious Word of God Spice"

And while each on of these words or group of words have individual meaning, we can see what the Lord is teaching us. The "precious" "Word of God" is the Spice of our lives. The means the Word of God in whatever form it takes should never be taken lightly. His Word is a precious spice adding value to everything it is allowed to touch. The wonderful thing about a spice is that just a trace often goes a long way. That doesn't mean to not spend as much time hearing and doing His Word, but it does mean there is no need to be a Bible "basher" especially in sharing our faith with others. We don't need to beat people over the head with our Bible quotations but to always operate in wisdom at the leading of the Holy Spirit. If we were more doers of the Word and not just hearers only, we'd be more effective ministers of His grace and love. God was speaking volumes to me in those five words. Yes, I needed it. And five being the number of grace, He graced me with a wonderful message this morning about how precious His Word is to my life and yours, and how we can use It to flavor everything we say, do, and think. Apply that "precious Word of God spice" liberally and see what happens.

I hope this has encouraged someone to heed, hunger, and live the Word of God more in it's written and spoken form. And, of course, to share Him with others. 

God bless you as you continue this walk of faith. 


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