Thursday, January 1, 2015

The Bride Series: Vision of the Bride This First day of 2015.

These one-scene visions so often convey the most significant and profound messages. So much about God is mysterious and simple at the same time. And only the Holy Spirit can speak volumes from a simple scene.

This first morning of the new year, I saw a bride. Actually, all I saw of the bride was the back of her left shoulder up to the top part of her lower half. She was wearing in a very lovely wedding dress. The sun was bright and gleaming. Ordinarily this would be a very happy scene but what the bride was doing is the focus of this post and I believe a message from the Lord her Groom.

In this vision, the bride's dress was perfect and spotless. So the issue was not the condition of her dress. The issue was her focus and her walk.

She bride was not walking with confidence in the love of her groom on her big day. Instead, she was walking quite gingerly while looking down. At first, I though she was limping as if lame in some way since she seemed to be hobbling along slowly. But that was not quite it. She was walking as she looked down because of the rough, dry and rocky terrain on which she walked. She was not looking at or following her groom.

I knew this to be a message for and about the Church of Jesus Christ. In 2015 and beyond as the intensity in the world builds toward His return, the Bride need not be focused on the terrain, as difficult as it is and will become, but on her Groom! And frankly, this terrain looks unfamiliar. It appears to be in a dry, rubbly, perhaps even war- torn place. Of course this was in the Spirit so it speaks of places where we have not been before but are expected to confidently negotiation because we are following the Captain of the Host. 

When we are walking on unfamiliar and rough terrain, the temptation is to focus and be very careful where we tread so as not to fall and injure ourselves. But if we are following Someone, we cannot focus on that Person and where and how He is walking if we are focusing and looking down at the terrain to negotiate our own way. We must either be totally dependent or totally independent.

What happens to the Bride if She does not Focus on the Groom but on the unfamiliar and unfriendly terrain? She is distracted with the things of earth. She loses her Way. She gives in to panic. She loses her confidence. She loses her ability to lead. She loses her effectiveness. She gives in to fear. She loses her power to hold back the gates of hell. She becomes disconnected from her Source. She loses her position. The list goes on. 

This reminds me of the story of Queen Esther. Do you remember the queen before her? Queen Vashti? Who can forget that woman's terrible end? She lost her position because of her unwillingness to heed the king's call and to do his bidding. She lost her position to a better and more submissive and obedient person.

But it is not too late thankfully. And of course, the Lord would never lose His true Bride. He saying in 2015 and beyond, the Bride must keep her eyes on her Groom. She must be looking up and not down. She must pull her focus upwards and not be overly concerned about the terrain on which she walks on the earth. She must concern herself with her position of being seated in the heavenly places with her Groom. Jesus told us to watch and pray when we see the signs of His coming because our redemption draws near.     

We are living precarious yet extremely exciting times...if we remain in Him. There are so many distractions today, many of them very good but they are still distractions. Often, our pride will cause us to justify why they are okay or even ordained but they really are not. Our enemy is a formidable foe, who has tricks up his sleeve custom tailored for each of us. The key to avoiding a fall, is to keep our eyes on the Way, staying connected to the Vine...Jesus Christ. Satan is a formidable foe to us but not to Christ, and therefore, not those who are "in Christ." And therein lies the rub, to be in Christ is to not only have Him in you but you be in Him through the Holy Spirit. Many are walking around as playthings for the enemy not because they have to be but because they do not know their "place" in Christ.

So for 2015 and beyond we have to be aware of our surroundings and the terrain but we cannot afford give our focus on anything or anyone else but Christ. 

So what's the Lord saying to His Church:   Focus on Me.

I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
I am the Bread of Life.
I am the Light of the World.
I am the Beginning and the End.
I am the Head and not the tail.
Without me you can do nothing.
Nothing is impossible for Me.
I am Love an Love never fails.
I am Love and Love conquers all.
I am Love and love covers a multitude of sins.
I never change.
I have been given all authority and I give it to you.
I am that I am.

Focus on Jesus in 2015!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's so true. Thank you for sharing this vision. Jesus alone.



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Blessings in Christ,