Hello readers!
Today I want to share what I am sure is a "now" word for many of us. It's not what I planned to share today, I will share that later.The Lord had another plan so I hope you can flow with me as He leads. I'd like to share an experience from today and the word of the Lord to encourage those are having some challenges in moving forward into the call and destiny God has on their lives. And when I say calling, I am not just speaking about a call to ministry within the Church but really mostly in the marketplace, otherwise known as the "world". Remember Jesus sends us out into "all the world" to teach and make disciples of nations. Notice, Jesus never seeks to influence just a few people, all be it sometimes one at a time, since it is an individual call. No, He is after nations. After all, it was because"God so loved the world...that He sent His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16. This is probably the most quoted Scripture in the Bible. We all know it. So with that I'd like to share the sobering words the Lord has been speaking to me recently.
One day last week as I was washing dishes, I suddenly sensed the Lord was communicating something to me. I heard in my spirit, "It doesn't matter what you do; it matters who you are. Wherever you go, people will be blessed." Just like that! I don't know about you, but this was extremely freeing to me. I am always seeking to be where God wants me, doing what He wants me to do, and prayerfully, saying what He wants me to say. But do you know even in that commitment, there could be a level of bondage. The bondage is called "perfectionism." I must do exactly and I cannot move forward until I know exactly. Mind you, I am not light that with everything. Something I just bolt if I sense an urgency. Sometimes, I am right and sometimes I may not always be great with His timing.
But then there's the other end of the spectrum of just waiting and waiting and waiting for perhaps a lightning bolt. I once had a precious pastor who would say, if God puts something in your mind to do, do it. Don't worry about being perfect. He is perfectly able to clean up your mess." There is so much wisdom in that if you really hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying. In my experience, I have found these words to be true. Perhaps I need to hear them again. You see, God does not get angry because we are zealous to do His will. Instead, when we move ahead and fall, He is right there to pick us up, dust us off, teach the lesson and in so doing build us up to carry more of Him as we move along. In other words, even "failure" as some would see it, in Christ adds to our advancement. That takes me to today's experience.
As I was praying with my mom today and just sharing things God put on my heart to share and encourage, the Holy Spirit began to pray through me in tongues and it went on for a while. (It's amazing what happens when we stop and turn our attention fully upon Him. He's always right there, waiting for us to seek an encounter. And He never disappoints.) So during this time of Holy Spirit praying, the interpretation I was getting seemed quite short compared to the time it took before it ceased. It was not until I began sharing the interpretation that more came to me. This was an encouraging word but it was also directional. This what I would like to encourage you with today as the snow is falling. This word puts flesh on "All things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28. This is a very popular verse for encouraging people during and after experiencing adversity in their lives. What the Lord shared today brought revelation that gives me confidence as I contemplate certain things. Please let the Holy Spirit minister His truth to you as I share, in quotes, what He said.
"Everything you have experienced in your life up to this point has made you the person you are today." That is, in Christ, what you experienced is being used for your good. All of the power and authority He allows you to flow in because of your relationship with Jesus Christ the Way, and Father God, the Source, is because of what you've gone through: the good, the bad, the ugly, the delightful, and the horrible. In Christ it is all used to BUILD YOU UP!!! The devil will try to get you to wallow in self-pity and regret because of your mistakes but there is "now, no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus." Don't let the enemy keep, or put more, chains on you. In Christ, you "are a new creation and behold all things [about you and in you] have become new." And by faith, we walk out what He has already spoken.
Jesus is saying through the Holy Spirit today, don't decry the past, all your past sin is covered under the blood. You have experienced much and learned much. Don't wallow in self-pity and regret. That is a trap from hell. Yes, we ought to be remorseful about sinning against God, others, and even ourselves, but we DO NOT STAY THERE! If you find you are not operating in Galatians 5:22, the nine fruit of the Spirit, which are "love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control" something has gone off-track, because verse 23 says, "against such there is no law." TOTAL FREEDOM brings you to that place. So when you are feeling down and out, don't try to do anything in your own flesh. Worship. Worship. Worship. Worship so often transitions into prayer and, let's face it, it is impossible to truly worship and be down in the mouth at the same time. Actually, it is impossible. The dark clouds of discouragement, depression, and despair have to leave.
That's why the enemy of our souls so often try to prevent us from worshiping because worship brings us into submission to God, and as we resist the evil one, he must flee. It is then that we become free. If you worship does not bring you into freedom, ask the Lord and read the what the Word says about worship. And let's be honest, sometimes, you just don't feel like it. Especially after a "lively discussion" or argument or something where we's exhibited less than exemplary behavior as a Christ-follower. Sometimes the last thing you want to do is come before God in worship. That's often because of shame. But do you know that God "gets" us? That is when we really need to worship is when we don't feel like it. The key is to quickly repent, ask for forgiveness, and be the delightful treasure you are to Him again.
Never let the enemy keep you in a place of defeat because of shame and condemnation. You don't have to accept hell's "gifts". Never accept anything that God and has not approved because it always comes at a price, a very hefty price.
So the goal here is to encourage you, especially those who have been struggling to find their direction and you are petrified about making the wrong move. I want to encourage you to day, if you hear from God, and the Jesus tells us that "My sheep hear my voice, and another they will not follow". Trust that as you align with Him He is working out His purposes in your life to bring you to a "good land," your promised land. Listen, on the way to the promised land there is lots of danger, toils, and snares, in addition to the often rugged and treacherous terrain. Then when you make it to the promised land, you're bound to find "giants", specifically formed for you. It is when you face those giants AND overcome them that you become free and to lead others to the same freedom. There is only a reward to those to are OVERCOME AND ARE FAITHFUL TO THE END. God takes no delight in those who shrink back, because they are shrinking back to perdition. Don't shrink back and lose all you have gained in Christ. Keep moving in faith and confidence that He is right there with you.
So be encouraged and move forward past the fear, Love has cast that out, and failure is covered the blood. You are on team Jesus and He ALWAYS WINS! And as far as the consequences to all the bad decisions we have made, remember what the HOLY SPIRIT has said, "Everything you have experienced in your life up to this point has made you the person you are today." God can use it all and turn what was meant for bad into good. Sounds impossible but we know that impossibility is not in God's vocabulary. Nothing is impossible for Him.
Remember that God delights in who He has made you! Align with Him in agreement about who you are, and see the miraculous transformation in your life. It has happened to me and it continues even to today. Let's keep advancing together.
That's it for now! This has been an honest heart-felt post, and I believe the Holy Spirit wants to touch some people through it. Let His freedom and forgiveness wash over you and remove every spirit of depression, and oppression hanging around from your past and move forward in Him. It is your time to soar and to shine.
God bless you! Please let me know how the Lord touches you with these words! He loves you and heaven is routing for you to WIN YOUR RACE!
Let me pray for you:
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I lift up all of my readers to sense and feel your arms pulling them in as you seek to touch their lives, and to set them free from all hindrances and encumbrances to your will. You will is to advance and prosper us as we continue in You. In Jesus name and in His authority alone, fear go now, depression, oppression, un-forgiveness, hatred, condemnation, guilt, bitterness, shame, heart-ache, blindness, deafness, mute conditions in the Spirit and in the natural, go now in Jesus name! Lord, please come and fill up every empty place left vacant by the influence of the enemy and his demons. Thank you, Lord, for your love, grace, and mercy towards us.
Thank you Jesus for shedding your blood for our sin, rescue, salvation, release, healing, and resurrection. Thank you for setting us free and yanking us out of darkness and establishing us in your kingdom of light. Thank you for the power you have given us over sin and to do your work in confidence that what you have promised you will do. We walk in freedom now and give you free reign over our lives and our possessions to do as you please. Take my burdens and give me yours because yours are light. Take my yoke and give me yours because it is easy. I love you, Lord. Thank you for this new day! Amen
Today I want to share what I am sure is a "now" word for many of us. It's not what I planned to share today, I will share that later.The Lord had another plan so I hope you can flow with me as He leads. I'd like to share an experience from today and the word of the Lord to encourage those are having some challenges in moving forward into the call and destiny God has on their lives. And when I say calling, I am not just speaking about a call to ministry within the Church but really mostly in the marketplace, otherwise known as the "world". Remember Jesus sends us out into "all the world" to teach and make disciples of nations. Notice, Jesus never seeks to influence just a few people, all be it sometimes one at a time, since it is an individual call. No, He is after nations. After all, it was because"God so loved the world...that He sent His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16. This is probably the most quoted Scripture in the Bible. We all know it. So with that I'd like to share the sobering words the Lord has been speaking to me recently.
One day last week as I was washing dishes, I suddenly sensed the Lord was communicating something to me. I heard in my spirit, "It doesn't matter what you do; it matters who you are. Wherever you go, people will be blessed." Just like that! I don't know about you, but this was extremely freeing to me. I am always seeking to be where God wants me, doing what He wants me to do, and prayerfully, saying what He wants me to say. But do you know even in that commitment, there could be a level of bondage. The bondage is called "perfectionism." I must do exactly and I cannot move forward until I know exactly. Mind you, I am not light that with everything. Something I just bolt if I sense an urgency. Sometimes, I am right and sometimes I may not always be great with His timing.
But then there's the other end of the spectrum of just waiting and waiting and waiting for perhaps a lightning bolt. I once had a precious pastor who would say, if God puts something in your mind to do, do it. Don't worry about being perfect. He is perfectly able to clean up your mess." There is so much wisdom in that if you really hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying. In my experience, I have found these words to be true. Perhaps I need to hear them again. You see, God does not get angry because we are zealous to do His will. Instead, when we move ahead and fall, He is right there to pick us up, dust us off, teach the lesson and in so doing build us up to carry more of Him as we move along. In other words, even "failure" as some would see it, in Christ adds to our advancement. That takes me to today's experience.
As I was praying with my mom today and just sharing things God put on my heart to share and encourage, the Holy Spirit began to pray through me in tongues and it went on for a while. (It's amazing what happens when we stop and turn our attention fully upon Him. He's always right there, waiting for us to seek an encounter. And He never disappoints.) So during this time of Holy Spirit praying, the interpretation I was getting seemed quite short compared to the time it took before it ceased. It was not until I began sharing the interpretation that more came to me. This was an encouraging word but it was also directional. This what I would like to encourage you with today as the snow is falling. This word puts flesh on "All things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28. This is a very popular verse for encouraging people during and after experiencing adversity in their lives. What the Lord shared today brought revelation that gives me confidence as I contemplate certain things. Please let the Holy Spirit minister His truth to you as I share, in quotes, what He said.
"Everything you have experienced in your life up to this point has made you the person you are today." That is, in Christ, what you experienced is being used for your good. All of the power and authority He allows you to flow in because of your relationship with Jesus Christ the Way, and Father God, the Source, is because of what you've gone through: the good, the bad, the ugly, the delightful, and the horrible. In Christ it is all used to BUILD YOU UP!!! The devil will try to get you to wallow in self-pity and regret because of your mistakes but there is "now, no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus." Don't let the enemy keep, or put more, chains on you. In Christ, you "are a new creation and behold all things [about you and in you] have become new." And by faith, we walk out what He has already spoken.
Jesus is saying through the Holy Spirit today, don't decry the past, all your past sin is covered under the blood. You have experienced much and learned much. Don't wallow in self-pity and regret. That is a trap from hell. Yes, we ought to be remorseful about sinning against God, others, and even ourselves, but we DO NOT STAY THERE! If you find you are not operating in Galatians 5:22, the nine fruit of the Spirit, which are "love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control" something has gone off-track, because verse 23 says, "against such there is no law." TOTAL FREEDOM brings you to that place. So when you are feeling down and out, don't try to do anything in your own flesh. Worship. Worship. Worship. Worship so often transitions into prayer and, let's face it, it is impossible to truly worship and be down in the mouth at the same time. Actually, it is impossible. The dark clouds of discouragement, depression, and despair have to leave.
That's why the enemy of our souls so often try to prevent us from worshiping because worship brings us into submission to God, and as we resist the evil one, he must flee. It is then that we become free. If you worship does not bring you into freedom, ask the Lord and read the what the Word says about worship. And let's be honest, sometimes, you just don't feel like it. Especially after a "lively discussion" or argument or something where we's exhibited less than exemplary behavior as a Christ-follower. Sometimes the last thing you want to do is come before God in worship. That's often because of shame. But do you know that God "gets" us? That is when we really need to worship is when we don't feel like it. The key is to quickly repent, ask for forgiveness, and be the delightful treasure you are to Him again.
Never let the enemy keep you in a place of defeat because of shame and condemnation. You don't have to accept hell's "gifts". Never accept anything that God and has not approved because it always comes at a price, a very hefty price.
So the goal here is to encourage you, especially those who have been struggling to find their direction and you are petrified about making the wrong move. I want to encourage you to day, if you hear from God, and the Jesus tells us that "My sheep hear my voice, and another they will not follow". Trust that as you align with Him He is working out His purposes in your life to bring you to a "good land," your promised land. Listen, on the way to the promised land there is lots of danger, toils, and snares, in addition to the often rugged and treacherous terrain. Then when you make it to the promised land, you're bound to find "giants", specifically formed for you. It is when you face those giants AND overcome them that you become free and to lead others to the same freedom. There is only a reward to those to are OVERCOME AND ARE FAITHFUL TO THE END. God takes no delight in those who shrink back, because they are shrinking back to perdition. Don't shrink back and lose all you have gained in Christ. Keep moving in faith and confidence that He is right there with you.
So be encouraged and move forward past the fear, Love has cast that out, and failure is covered the blood. You are on team Jesus and He ALWAYS WINS! And as far as the consequences to all the bad decisions we have made, remember what the HOLY SPIRIT has said, "Everything you have experienced in your life up to this point has made you the person you are today." God can use it all and turn what was meant for bad into good. Sounds impossible but we know that impossibility is not in God's vocabulary. Nothing is impossible for Him.
Remember that God delights in who He has made you! Align with Him in agreement about who you are, and see the miraculous transformation in your life. It has happened to me and it continues even to today. Let's keep advancing together.
That's it for now! This has been an honest heart-felt post, and I believe the Holy Spirit wants to touch some people through it. Let His freedom and forgiveness wash over you and remove every spirit of depression, and oppression hanging around from your past and move forward in Him. It is your time to soar and to shine.
God bless you! Please let me know how the Lord touches you with these words! He loves you and heaven is routing for you to WIN YOUR RACE!
Let me pray for you:
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I lift up all of my readers to sense and feel your arms pulling them in as you seek to touch their lives, and to set them free from all hindrances and encumbrances to your will. You will is to advance and prosper us as we continue in You. In Jesus name and in His authority alone, fear go now, depression, oppression, un-forgiveness, hatred, condemnation, guilt, bitterness, shame, heart-ache, blindness, deafness, mute conditions in the Spirit and in the natural, go now in Jesus name! Lord, please come and fill up every empty place left vacant by the influence of the enemy and his demons. Thank you, Lord, for your love, grace, and mercy towards us.
Thank you Jesus for shedding your blood for our sin, rescue, salvation, release, healing, and resurrection. Thank you for setting us free and yanking us out of darkness and establishing us in your kingdom of light. Thank you for the power you have given us over sin and to do your work in confidence that what you have promised you will do. We walk in freedom now and give you free reign over our lives and our possessions to do as you please. Take my burdens and give me yours because yours are light. Take my yoke and give me yours because it is easy. I love you, Lord. Thank you for this new day! Amen
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Blessings in Christ,