Thankful for this morning's lesson from God. I am thankful for all of His lessons but this was a great one! It's so much better when first thing we do upon awakening is focus on God and engage with Him to learn our lesson(s) of the day. That's what I encountered this morning on the last day of January as we head into the second months of the year. This is a key that will help you as well as those over whom you have influence.
If I could sum up my current ministry, something I've been thinking a lot about lately, I would say after my ministry to the Lord Himself, it is to the foreknown ("pre-saved") ones, the believing sick, the mature believer seeking to go deeper and further in Him, and finally to those who are seeking their purpose and destiny. In other words, my function is to help to equip the body of Christ by assisting them in removing the roadblocks to their own ministries. That is a tremendous help to me because we all need to know the ones to whom we are called. But that can be another post for another day: "Know the Ones to Whom You are Called." However, we all have a calling to share our testimony with others about what God has done in our own lives. It's the Good News of the Gospel, which one can argue with. After all, the Gospel is 'Good News" not a good argument. But back to this post, it is definitely one of those posts that ministers to me and I hope ministers to you as well.
So today we are discussing the subject of ... the big "S" - SUBMISSION. That is, submission as we observe it in the life of Jesus Christ: This is a necessary posture to operating in the power of God. God taught me this lesson in the teachable way He usually does when He reveals kingdom matters. He has a way of breaking it down for me so that I can live it and pass it on to others who are ready and willing to hear and to do what the Ultimate Teacher, Holy Spirit, is teaching.
Today, He focused on a subject that I have never heard adequately taught, at least not in a way that makes me want to be first in line to do it.
Submission is just not one of those things we get excited about, and I believe it's mostly because we do not truly understand it. I must admit I did not truly get it until the Lord revealed to me. Perhaps it's simply because I was not ready for the revelation before now. In the fullness of time He brought me to a place where I could not only understand submission and the need for it, but also the desire to walk it out.
For me, submission has always been a bit nebulous. In all my years as a believer in as many churches as I've had the privilege to attend and participate, I can barely count on one hand, if any, the sermons I have heard on this subject of submission. At least, I have not heard it taught in a properly balanced and God-focused way it should. Most churches where submission is "the main thing", it's usually about submitting to a larger-than-life pastor in an uncomfortably absolute, almost despotic way. In other words, not in a God-focused way. That is not what God meant as we observe the life of Jesus in submission to His Father. That submission was and is based on a love relationship that is itself absolute. With that said, I believe what the Lord shared with me this morning will help many who, like me, have struggled in this area but are willing to heed it the way God intends us to. This is really good!
So what did the Lord say in my spirit that stopped me in my tracks and made me take note that He really wanted me to get this. The statement went something like this.
Now before I delve deeper into that statement, when I say submission, I am not referring to the submission of a slave to a slave master, but as a child to an unconditionally perfectly loving Father. If, for example, I know my Dad loves me and cares for me in every way, I have absolute TRUST in Him. Add to that, my Dad is the most powerful Being in the universe. As a matter of fact, my Dad created the universe. I know that with my Dad I have ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Nothing can harm me without my Dad knowing and acting upon it. Add to that again, my Dad owns everything, I know that I don't have to worry about being in want of anything because I know in Him I have absolute PROVISION.
Of course, I am not ignoring that there is evil in the world or that there are in fact needs all around us. I know there are. The key is that I know there is no need to "worry" about these things but to trust that it will not last forever. How about the fact, that I am never out of my Dad's sight; He is always with me. This way I now that I never have to FEAR anyone or anything. Are you getting happy yet?
Now in the scenario above, I am referring to those who have accepted Jesus and have allowed Him to not only be their savior but also their Lord. This is the only way that God becomes our Father, just as He is Jesus Father. Those who are not yet and have not yet heard this great news, called the Gospel, this is how you can become a child of God based on Jesus sacrificial death on the Cross. Jesus made way for us to be adopted into the family of God. That is where, those who have accepted His sacrificial gift to become sons of daughters of God can play a role guided by His Spirit, in His plan for the world - it's called the plan of salvation. The plan of salvation is simply the plan of how God chose to get His family back from the Fall in Garden of Eden that brought an eternal separation between Him and all of mankind.
This not just good news; it's the best news. As a believing Christ-follower, our Dad is all-powerful and all-loving. There is no army strong enough, no earthly king or ruler powerful enough, and no force mighty or wise enough to overpower or outmaneuver Him. HE IS KING OVER ALL. And if you do not know Him yet as Father, today is your day, if you would submit to this PERFECT ALL-POWERFUL LOVING FATHER. And if He is not your Dad yet, what are you waiting for, more reasons? Well hold on; we are about to explore more about submission to God, so stay with me to the end. I am trying you save you years of very hard lessons.
Remember the statement that began the lesson from the Lord, "WITH SUBMISSION TO THE LORD COMES A PEACE THAT IS INCOMPARABLY AND INEXPLICABLY COMPLETE." That means there is a supernatural peace that comes with submitting to God. Therefore, if you are experiencing a lack of peace or any kind of persistent anxiety (we all have our moments), then you need to check your level of submission to God in the particular area where you are lacking peace. Again, the submission can be in a particular area in your life, or more if you have never trusted Jesus as Lord and Savior. Perhaps it's not in everything and some other areas are submitted to God, but in others, you are in a state of worry, or perhaps even panic. I pray by the end of this post, you have a revelation of God's love and desire to bring deliverance and complete freedom to those who submit to Him in everything.
So, I encourage you to take a moment to take stock and check yourself. Is that particular area of worry submitted to God? Are you? Most likely it's not or there is a disconnect somewhere. God is faithful to reveal our areas of need as we humble ourselves and come to Him as our loving Father. Jesus paid the price for us to be able to do so. But this is not condemnation, this is where freedom and deliverance can come in. Let me break it down as the Holy Spirit broke it down to me.
Here is the progression for better, to those who are not but are seeking to do so, or worse, for those who are not and do not intend to do so. SUBMISSION IS AN ABSOLUTE NECESSITY TO EVERYTHING ABOUT LIVING A PEACEFUL AND SUCCESSFUL LIFE ACCORDING TO GOD"S STANDARDS. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO HAVE A PROPER VIEW OF THE WORLD, AND YOUR LIFE WITHOUT THIS ABSOLUTE NECESSITY. FURTHER, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO SUBMIT TO HUMAN LEADERS WITHOUT PROPER SUBMISSION TO GOD. That's for me, right there. I sensed the Holy Spirit was pointing to me on that one. Thank God, He does not give up on us when others do.
How do I know this? The Bible diagnoses these conditions: "FOR GOD HAS NOT GIVEN US A SPIRIT A FEAR, BUT [A SPIRIT] OF POWER AND [A SPIRIT OF] LOVE, AND OF A [SPIRIT OF A] SOUND MIND." 2 Timothy 1:7. [Information in brackets added as implied by word "of"]. We will take all of those areas separately in their relation to 'submission'.
Submission and Power
The Scripture above tells me that a lack of submission first affects the power of God in our lives to live for Him in being who He has called us to be, power to be His son or daughter and in total alignment with Him. But that's the power in our own lives. Then there is the power to represent the Kingdom into the life of others, bringing healing to the sick, and liberty to the captive as mandated in Luke 9:2; Matthew 10:8; Luke 10:9, and others. Yes, power is important to demonstrate God's work in our lives and in the lives of others. Without His power, we cannot do anything of Kingdom consequence,
Submission and Love
Submission brings us peace, and subsequently our freedom from fear, which then affects the level of love in effect in our lives. The power to receive His love, as we submit to God, casts out all fear (1 John 4:18), and power to give His love to others. In addition, True love is never something that starts with us. To truly love is to know God's love and to let Him love others through us. Everything else is simply attraction, hence the rate of divorce when that attraction wears off and there is no longer a motivation to remain together. In addition, "love will covers a multitude of sins." 1 Peter 4:8. And here Peter referred to a "fervent love" not a passionless one.
What does this LOVE look like? According to 1 Corinthians 13:
"LOVE is patient...
does not envy...
does not parade itself...
is not puffed up...
does not behave rudely...
does not seek its own...
is not provoked...
thinks no evil...
does not rejoice in iniquity...
but rejoices in truth...
bears all things...
believes all things...
hopes all things...
endures all things...
Now that's a very tall order. But what if you were to replace the word "love" for God who came to earth in the form of Jesus, Holy Spirit Who is here with us now to lead us into all truth in Jesus. WE SEE THAT GOD'S LOVE HAS ALL OF THESE ATTRIBUTES AND ONLY IN CHRIST CAN WE EVER LOVE THIS WAY. WITHOUT HIM, THIS KIND OF LOVE IS IMPOSSIBLE.
Again we are a discussing a spirit of fear that comes from a lack of submission to God.
Submission and Sound Mind
As if that weren't enough, there is the state of the human mind in relation and in response to submission to God. The lack of peace, meaning there is some level of fear in the life, will end up affecting the soundness of the mind. That's what the Scripture says. And I do believe it's a progression. First the spirit of fear affects the power, then the love, then the mind....leading to a level of insanity. That means a sound mind believes in God, trusts in God, and has faith in God. I am not referring to our momentary lapses of faith; I mean the persistent rejection of God will lead to a level of insanity because there will be no true peace. That's what the word of God demonstrate. For example, there once was a king named Nebuchadnezzar, who lifted up himself in pride against God and literally went insane. Yet after 7 years living like an animal in the wilderness he acknowledged that God was supreme and submitted to Him. It was then that he regained his sanity and his kingdom. See the account in Daniel 4, especially vv. 28-37.
"Sound mind", or sanity, is the third attribute affected by the choice of whether or not to submit to God. Yes, I believe many forms of insanity, even some types of dementia, can be traced to a defiance, lack of submission to, or faith in, God. Not always, but perhaps more often than we think insanity issues stem from rejecting God or His ways. Insanity robs a person of their independence and dignity. On the contrary, a sound mind, and one in alignment with God, can lead those who submit to Him to living a tremendously victorious life. An unsound mind ranges in its levels of 'insanity." Actually, some forms of "insanity" are quite acceptable in society, especially the ones supposedly treated with medication. We see it all the time in movies and being played out in society, people living their lives and making decisions based on fear. Left unchecked, fear can lead to serious mental instability.
With all of the above said, the more important reason to submit to God is not only peace with God but to know who we are and why He has placed us hear. That is the main purpose of this blog as we are learning to Walking in Fulfillment of our destinies.
So let's see where we are in our discussion. God tells us that submitting to Him gives us victory over the devil when He says, "SUBMIT TO GOD, RESIST THE DEVIL, AND HE WILL FLEE FROM YOU." James 4:7; 1 Peter 5:4. Many times, we have seen and heard this James 4:7 Scripture quoted without the first part. However, WITHOUT THE FIRST PART (SUBMIT TO GOD), THE SECOND PART (RESIST THE DEVIL) IS IMPOSSIBLE. God does not give us that spirit of fear, but the devil does. However, in submitting to God and resisting Satan, the evil one cannot hang around long enough to put a spirit of fear, or anything else, on us.
Do you see how this works circularly? And we know that anything Satan gives is designed to "steal...kill...and destroy..." John 10:10. But whatever we receive from the Lord is designed to "give us life...and it more abundantly." (also John 10:10). By the way, this and all these Scriptures are great ones on which to meditate and memorized for internal transformation and for those challenging times when embroiled in a battle. So submitting to God is not just a luxury for the super spiritual, it is absolutely necessary for all who identify themselves as believers in Jesus Christ.
Also important to memorize, meditate upon, and walk out in challenging times of being at war with a spirit of fear is 2 Corinthians 10:3-5:
Let's remember that "God is love" (1 John 4:16). There is "no fear in love". (1 John 4:18). Submitting to God is submitting to Love. Once we submit to God in trust and faith that His desire is to cherish, love, protect, bless, and prosper us, submitting to Him is not so hard after all. Resting in that brings a divine peace over our lives that gives us a firm foundation that nothing can shake. We can then walk in the power, love, and sound mind that comes with submission and peace with God.
My friend and fellow journeyman, I have brought the word of the Lord in as convincing a way I know how, and perhaps at times the Holy Spirit has convicted you with this message of submission to God that the Lord taught me (yesterday morning). Although we should not have faith in other human beings, our faith in God is well founded because He is worthy of our total and complete trust. He is worthy of our love and adoration because Who else would sacrifice a part of Himself, namely His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ for imperfect beings like us? Only a God of love. In Him we may place all of our faith, love and trust. In submitting to Him with all of the benefits, present and eternal, we can have peace so that we can say in earnest: "It is well with my soul."
I leave you with this powerful Scripture: 1 John 4:16-18 (Please read entire chapter, especially from v. 7)
Note: If this post has been used to help you in the area of submission in any way, please post a comment. Thank you.
If I could sum up my current ministry, something I've been thinking a lot about lately, I would say after my ministry to the Lord Himself, it is to the foreknown ("pre-saved") ones, the believing sick, the mature believer seeking to go deeper and further in Him, and finally to those who are seeking their purpose and destiny. In other words, my function is to help to equip the body of Christ by assisting them in removing the roadblocks to their own ministries. That is a tremendous help to me because we all need to know the ones to whom we are called. But that can be another post for another day: "Know the Ones to Whom You are Called." However, we all have a calling to share our testimony with others about what God has done in our own lives. It's the Good News of the Gospel, which one can argue with. After all, the Gospel is 'Good News" not a good argument. But back to this post, it is definitely one of those posts that ministers to me and I hope ministers to you as well.
So today we are discussing the subject of ... the big "S" - SUBMISSION. That is, submission as we observe it in the life of Jesus Christ: This is a necessary posture to operating in the power of God. God taught me this lesson in the teachable way He usually does when He reveals kingdom matters. He has a way of breaking it down for me so that I can live it and pass it on to others who are ready and willing to hear and to do what the Ultimate Teacher, Holy Spirit, is teaching.
Today, He focused on a subject that I have never heard adequately taught, at least not in a way that makes me want to be first in line to do it.
Submission is just not one of those things we get excited about, and I believe it's mostly because we do not truly understand it. I must admit I did not truly get it until the Lord revealed to me. Perhaps it's simply because I was not ready for the revelation before now. In the fullness of time He brought me to a place where I could not only understand submission and the need for it, but also the desire to walk it out.
For me, submission has always been a bit nebulous. In all my years as a believer in as many churches as I've had the privilege to attend and participate, I can barely count on one hand, if any, the sermons I have heard on this subject of submission. At least, I have not heard it taught in a properly balanced and God-focused way it should. Most churches where submission is "the main thing", it's usually about submitting to a larger-than-life pastor in an uncomfortably absolute, almost despotic way. In other words, not in a God-focused way. That is not what God meant as we observe the life of Jesus in submission to His Father. That submission was and is based on a love relationship that is itself absolute. With that said, I believe what the Lord shared with me this morning will help many who, like me, have struggled in this area but are willing to heed it the way God intends us to. This is really good!
So what did the Lord say in my spirit that stopped me in my tracks and made me take note that He really wanted me to get this. The statement went something like this.
"WITH SUBMISSION TO THE LORD COMES A PEACE THAT IS INCOMPARABLY AND INEXPLICABLY COMPLETE."In other words, once I submit to God, I have a peace that cannot be compared or explained as it is not of this world. The result is a state of completeness that cannot be achieved in any other way. That peace means: "I NEVER HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT ANYTHING EVER AGAIN. PERIOD."
Now before I delve deeper into that statement, when I say submission, I am not referring to the submission of a slave to a slave master, but as a child to an unconditionally perfectly loving Father. If, for example, I know my Dad loves me and cares for me in every way, I have absolute TRUST in Him. Add to that, my Dad is the most powerful Being in the universe. As a matter of fact, my Dad created the universe. I know that with my Dad I have ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Nothing can harm me without my Dad knowing and acting upon it. Add to that again, my Dad owns everything, I know that I don't have to worry about being in want of anything because I know in Him I have absolute PROVISION.
Of course, I am not ignoring that there is evil in the world or that there are in fact needs all around us. I know there are. The key is that I know there is no need to "worry" about these things but to trust that it will not last forever. How about the fact, that I am never out of my Dad's sight; He is always with me. This way I now that I never have to FEAR anyone or anything. Are you getting happy yet?
Now in the scenario above, I am referring to those who have accepted Jesus and have allowed Him to not only be their savior but also their Lord. This is the only way that God becomes our Father, just as He is Jesus Father. Those who are not yet and have not yet heard this great news, called the Gospel, this is how you can become a child of God based on Jesus sacrificial death on the Cross. Jesus made way for us to be adopted into the family of God. That is where, those who have accepted His sacrificial gift to become sons of daughters of God can play a role guided by His Spirit, in His plan for the world - it's called the plan of salvation. The plan of salvation is simply the plan of how God chose to get His family back from the Fall in Garden of Eden that brought an eternal separation between Him and all of mankind.
This not just good news; it's the best news. As a believing Christ-follower, our Dad is all-powerful and all-loving. There is no army strong enough, no earthly king or ruler powerful enough, and no force mighty or wise enough to overpower or outmaneuver Him. HE IS KING OVER ALL. And if you do not know Him yet as Father, today is your day, if you would submit to this PERFECT ALL-POWERFUL LOVING FATHER. And if He is not your Dad yet, what are you waiting for, more reasons? Well hold on; we are about to explore more about submission to God, so stay with me to the end. I am trying you save you years of very hard lessons.
Remember the statement that began the lesson from the Lord, "WITH SUBMISSION TO THE LORD COMES A PEACE THAT IS INCOMPARABLY AND INEXPLICABLY COMPLETE." That means there is a supernatural peace that comes with submitting to God. Therefore, if you are experiencing a lack of peace or any kind of persistent anxiety (we all have our moments), then you need to check your level of submission to God in the particular area where you are lacking peace. Again, the submission can be in a particular area in your life, or more if you have never trusted Jesus as Lord and Savior. Perhaps it's not in everything and some other areas are submitted to God, but in others, you are in a state of worry, or perhaps even panic. I pray by the end of this post, you have a revelation of God's love and desire to bring deliverance and complete freedom to those who submit to Him in everything.
So, I encourage you to take a moment to take stock and check yourself. Is that particular area of worry submitted to God? Are you? Most likely it's not or there is a disconnect somewhere. God is faithful to reveal our areas of need as we humble ourselves and come to Him as our loving Father. Jesus paid the price for us to be able to do so. But this is not condemnation, this is where freedom and deliverance can come in. Let me break it down as the Holy Spirit broke it down to me.
Here is the progression for better, to those who are not but are seeking to do so, or worse, for those who are not and do not intend to do so. SUBMISSION IS AN ABSOLUTE NECESSITY TO EVERYTHING ABOUT LIVING A PEACEFUL AND SUCCESSFUL LIFE ACCORDING TO GOD"S STANDARDS. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO HAVE A PROPER VIEW OF THE WORLD, AND YOUR LIFE WITHOUT THIS ABSOLUTE NECESSITY. FURTHER, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO SUBMIT TO HUMAN LEADERS WITHOUT PROPER SUBMISSION TO GOD. That's for me, right there. I sensed the Holy Spirit was pointing to me on that one. Thank God, He does not give up on us when others do.
How do I know this? The Bible diagnoses these conditions: "FOR GOD HAS NOT GIVEN US A SPIRIT A FEAR, BUT [A SPIRIT] OF POWER AND [A SPIRIT OF] LOVE, AND OF A [SPIRIT OF A] SOUND MIND." 2 Timothy 1:7. [Information in brackets added as implied by word "of"]. We will take all of those areas separately in their relation to 'submission'.
Submission and Power
The Scripture above tells me that a lack of submission first affects the power of God in our lives to live for Him in being who He has called us to be, power to be His son or daughter and in total alignment with Him. But that's the power in our own lives. Then there is the power to represent the Kingdom into the life of others, bringing healing to the sick, and liberty to the captive as mandated in Luke 9:2; Matthew 10:8; Luke 10:9, and others. Yes, power is important to demonstrate God's work in our lives and in the lives of others. Without His power, we cannot do anything of Kingdom consequence,
Submission and Love
Submission brings us peace, and subsequently our freedom from fear, which then affects the level of love in effect in our lives. The power to receive His love, as we submit to God, casts out all fear (1 John 4:18), and power to give His love to others. In addition, True love is never something that starts with us. To truly love is to know God's love and to let Him love others through us. Everything else is simply attraction, hence the rate of divorce when that attraction wears off and there is no longer a motivation to remain together. In addition, "love will covers a multitude of sins." 1 Peter 4:8. And here Peter referred to a "fervent love" not a passionless one.
What does this LOVE look like? According to 1 Corinthians 13:
"LOVE is patient...
does not envy...
does not parade itself...
is not puffed up...
does not behave rudely...
does not seek its own...
is not provoked...
thinks no evil...
does not rejoice in iniquity...
but rejoices in truth...
bears all things...
believes all things...
hopes all things...
endures all things...
Now that's a very tall order. But what if you were to replace the word "love" for God who came to earth in the form of Jesus, Holy Spirit Who is here with us now to lead us into all truth in Jesus. WE SEE THAT GOD'S LOVE HAS ALL OF THESE ATTRIBUTES AND ONLY IN CHRIST CAN WE EVER LOVE THIS WAY. WITHOUT HIM, THIS KIND OF LOVE IS IMPOSSIBLE.
Again we are a discussing a spirit of fear that comes from a lack of submission to God.
Submission and Sound Mind
As if that weren't enough, there is the state of the human mind in relation and in response to submission to God. The lack of peace, meaning there is some level of fear in the life, will end up affecting the soundness of the mind. That's what the Scripture says. And I do believe it's a progression. First the spirit of fear affects the power, then the love, then the mind....leading to a level of insanity. That means a sound mind believes in God, trusts in God, and has faith in God. I am not referring to our momentary lapses of faith; I mean the persistent rejection of God will lead to a level of insanity because there will be no true peace. That's what the word of God demonstrate. For example, there once was a king named Nebuchadnezzar, who lifted up himself in pride against God and literally went insane. Yet after 7 years living like an animal in the wilderness he acknowledged that God was supreme and submitted to Him. It was then that he regained his sanity and his kingdom. See the account in Daniel 4, especially vv. 28-37.
"Sound mind", or sanity, is the third attribute affected by the choice of whether or not to submit to God. Yes, I believe many forms of insanity, even some types of dementia, can be traced to a defiance, lack of submission to, or faith in, God. Not always, but perhaps more often than we think insanity issues stem from rejecting God or His ways. Insanity robs a person of their independence and dignity. On the contrary, a sound mind, and one in alignment with God, can lead those who submit to Him to living a tremendously victorious life. An unsound mind ranges in its levels of 'insanity." Actually, some forms of "insanity" are quite acceptable in society, especially the ones supposedly treated with medication. We see it all the time in movies and being played out in society, people living their lives and making decisions based on fear. Left unchecked, fear can lead to serious mental instability.
With all of the above said, the more important reason to submit to God is not only peace with God but to know who we are and why He has placed us hear. That is the main purpose of this blog as we are learning to Walking in Fulfillment of our destinies.
So let's see where we are in our discussion. God tells us that submitting to Him gives us victory over the devil when He says, "SUBMIT TO GOD, RESIST THE DEVIL, AND HE WILL FLEE FROM YOU." James 4:7; 1 Peter 5:4. Many times, we have seen and heard this James 4:7 Scripture quoted without the first part. However, WITHOUT THE FIRST PART (SUBMIT TO GOD), THE SECOND PART (RESIST THE DEVIL) IS IMPOSSIBLE. God does not give us that spirit of fear, but the devil does. However, in submitting to God and resisting Satan, the evil one cannot hang around long enough to put a spirit of fear, or anything else, on us.
Do you see how this works circularly? And we know that anything Satan gives is designed to "steal...kill...and destroy..." John 10:10. But whatever we receive from the Lord is designed to "give us life...and it more abundantly." (also John 10:10). By the way, this and all these Scriptures are great ones on which to meditate and memorized for internal transformation and for those challenging times when embroiled in a battle. So submitting to God is not just a luxury for the super spiritual, it is absolutely necessary for all who identify themselves as believers in Jesus Christ.
Also important to memorize, meditate upon, and walk out in challenging times of being at war with a spirit of fear is 2 Corinthians 10:3-5:
"For though we walk in the flesh we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ."
Let's remember that "God is love" (1 John 4:16). There is "no fear in love". (1 John 4:18). Submitting to God is submitting to Love. Once we submit to God in trust and faith that His desire is to cherish, love, protect, bless, and prosper us, submitting to Him is not so hard after all. Resting in that brings a divine peace over our lives that gives us a firm foundation that nothing can shake. We can then walk in the power, love, and sound mind that comes with submission and peace with God.
My friend and fellow journeyman, I have brought the word of the Lord in as convincing a way I know how, and perhaps at times the Holy Spirit has convicted you with this message of submission to God that the Lord taught me (yesterday morning). Although we should not have faith in other human beings, our faith in God is well founded because He is worthy of our total and complete trust. He is worthy of our love and adoration because Who else would sacrifice a part of Himself, namely His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ for imperfect beings like us? Only a God of love. In Him we may place all of our faith, love and trust. In submitting to Him with all of the benefits, present and eternal, we can have peace so that we can say in earnest: "It is well with my soul."
I leave you with this powerful Scripture: 1 John 4:16-18 (Please read entire chapter, especially from v. 7)
"And we have know and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in Him.
Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world.
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not be made perfect in love."May God bless you with His everlasting gift of love and favor to advance His will and His Kingdom in the earth. This is the heritage of His saved sons of daughters.
Note: If this post has been used to help you in the area of submission in any way, please post a comment. Thank you.
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Blessings in Christ,