Saturday, March 14, 2015

It's a War but Not a Very Fair One - We Fight from a Place of Victory!

Friends, I wanted to share some new revelation that may not be new to some folks but it is new to me. Nevertheless, I believe it's important to get the living meaning of these two Scriptures especially for the days in which we live. In both instances, revelation came as someone else was praying. The Scriptures are:

John 10:10  - "The thief does not come but to steal, to kill, and to destroy, but I [Jesus] come to give life and it more abundantly."

and ...

Philippians 4:13  - "I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me." 

Now, if you would hold onto and meditate on these two Scriptures, I believe God will use them to breathe new life, new fire, and a new sense of victory into you over all that you are facing. And although we are wrestling not against flesh and blood in this life but again the powers of the air, and against principalities, and rulers of darkness, know this: We "wrestle" from the place of victory. That is, we have already won. There really is no contest. What we need to wrap our minds, souls, and spirits around is the fact that Jesus is on His throne having finished His work and enabling us to continue and to finish ours. We are seated with Christ in heavenly places according to Ephesians 2. Here's some fire power for you from Ephesians 2:4-6:

But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us,even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved)and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God,not of works, lest anyone should boast. 10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
As this word is percolating in me, I am so encouraged and I know this is a now word for many of you. Take it as yours and God will use it to strengthen you now and in the days to come.  If you never knew before, God is on your side, He is doing battle for you in the unseen realms. The victory has already been won. Accept it by faith and see the manifestation of this word.

1. The Revelation of John 10:10 From a Time of Intercessory Prayer

My fellow intercessors and I were in prayer and as usual the Lord was moving in the way He wants to. The meetings are never the same twice. This time, my friend was praying for, oh my, I don't quite remember but she is a "political" intercessor so it may have had something to do with government either Kingdom or natural. I do not recall exactly. But as she prayed a word came from the Word. Jesus was showing a new dimension of John 10:10 and it really is the crux of the entire Gospel message. It is this: Whatever the enemy does, God comes and destroy the his works. That is why Jesus came to earth, "to destroy the works of the devil." That is why we, His people, are still here to destroy the works of the evil one, plundering hell to populate heaven. 

Oh, yes, I remember now, my friend was praying and reporting about the droves of people coming to Christ in Iran during this ISIS and other such groups' reign (and rain) of terror. And the Lord rose up and said that just as in John 10:10, "the thief does not come but to steal, to kill, and to destroy, but I [Jesus] come to give life and it more abundantly." It means that where the enemy has come and has stolen, has killed, and has destroyed, Jesus comes and brings resurrection life and replenishes with abundant life. Everything the enemy has done is reversed and God adds to it even more. Do you realize what that can do to a life knowing what the enemy has done that it only provides opportunity for God to show up and to show Himself strong? It's cause to rejoice, because if you are in Christ, as you keep looking up, you can only win, and you can only rise. You are in fact, moving "from glory to glory." (2 Corinthians 3:18.) 

The valley of the shadow of darkness was never a place to set up a habitation but it's a place of transition (Psalm 23). It is a place we go through and during this time He is right there with us. It is not a time to let fear take hold. His rod and staff are right there to guide and to give us and to give us the authority to overcome. The valley is also the place where we absolutely need and we do see the miracles of God. On the mountain top in His presence, we don't need miracles because He is right there with us, only in a different manner. We can say the "valley" is this world, where the mountain top, the place of glory is His place: wherever His presence is sought as the primary purpose for meeting.

Back to our John 10:10 focus where everything Jesus does, subverts what the enemy has done from the very beginning when man sinned in the Garden of Eden. Nothing has changed. Remember the Scripture in Ephesians 2, "even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved)and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus...

There is nothing the enemy does to us that Christ cannot bring us back from. Jesus is the Divine Undoer of all that evil does or tries to do to us. 

The bottom line is, although we experience temporary setbacks ... 


2. The Revelation of Philippians 4:13 From a Time of Prayer With a Senior Executive

While praying I saw that this person was able to carry large pieces of furniture on their back and shoulders. The particular piece of furniture that was the focus of the vision was a large wooden desk. And what the person was demonstrating was something they had learned from expert; that is holding the head in a particular manner allowing one to lift huge pieces with weights the average  human could not. During this vision, I remember the person wanted me to learn the same technique but I turned away and refused to look at any more because they were about to try lifting something even larger and heavier. I refused because I did not trust the technique and besides, why would I want to carry large pieces of furniture on my back and shoulders. That notwithstanding, there was something alluring about being able to do these feats of superhuman strength.

Then the Lord brought to mind that Scripture: Philippians 4:13: "I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me." And this is what the Lord wants us to know. The head symbolizes intellectual power and intellectualism. And yes, man can accomplish as lot but he is still quite limited in that area given we only use a small percentage of our brains. It a bit controversial exactly how much that is. Nevertheless, the Lord is showing that in our own strength we can only handle one major thing at a time and eventually it will do us in. It has to. It will either be our work, hence the big desk, or whatever the major thing is in your life right now that you are doing in your own strength. And in this vision, the executive is carrying the desk on the shoulders and back, which is a tremendous strain no matter what it all looks like at the time. That means the work is 

1. a burden - too heavy for the person operating in their normal strength
2. the master
3. all-encompassing*
4. robber of wholeness 
5. robber of peace
6. administers a dangerous amount of  pressure
7. is a subverter because you are under it as you carry it.
8. *you can do nothing else while carrying it whether personal or otherwise, meaning some tasks, things, and people will be left unattended. 

And I'm sure there is more.  

On the other hand, however, once a person makes the shift, not operating in their intellectual power and the strength of the soul, but in the Spirit in submission to God, that person can do all things in Christ Jesus. That means he or she is no longer limited to one main focus but as they flow in the Spirit directed by the Lord, they can do multiple tasks of equal weight or importance. But the key is what they do will be fruitful since without Him what they do is not - at least in His eyes.  In the Spirit we are limitless, in the natural, we are limited to our natural abilities even when they are admirably superior to the abilities of others.

I am saying you may be incredibly gifted and extremely impressive but if you are not submitted to God, operating in His Spirit, you are very limited in what you can accomplish compared to what you can accomplish in Him.

I don't know about you, but that really rocks my world. As a matter of fact, both of these revelations encourage me to seek God more. The first one causes me be focus on what God is doing even more because what the enemy meant for bad God invariably turns it around and uses it, turning it into good.  The second revelation is super encouraging because, although I seem to be working a lot of things at once, as long as it's in the Spirit directed by Him, I can handle it. The key is that it must not be motivated by my own intellect but by His Spirit.

We are not looking to do what we want asking God to bless it, we want to do what God is blessings. Not original but so very true.

God bless you all! I hope you are as super encouraged by this word as I am.


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