As times become more intense, our need for God's protection does, too. Most people believe there is a supernatural dimension which is invisible to the natural eye. Yet, we have heard stories of angels appearing to rescue, to announce something, to teach something, to reveal something. All throughout be Bible, we see that God used these "ministering spirits" to do His bidding in as He shepherds the sons and daughters, heirs of salvation. (Hebrews 1:14 - "Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?") Think of the angels as God's divine secret service agents to protect His kids. I believe that I have met at least 3 angels in my lifetime who manifested at people.
The Bible warns us to be kind to all because we have no idea when we would encounter angels. (Hebrews 13:2 - "Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels.") Can you imagine being mean to an angel? Not a great idea. I have had a friend tell me there was an angel sitting on my bed with his arms folded as we were sharing about the Holy Spirit with a young lady whose denomination did not include any teaching or allowances for the things of the Spirit. So when what I am about to share happened, I was shocked and not shocked. Shocked as it was totally unexpected, yet, not shocked because I know that I am protected, as other believers are, by God's angels.
I had recorded a video on the fact that when we, as followers of Jesus Christ, walk in the Spirit, we too fulfill the Law. See Romans 8:1-5. On this video, my friend in- boxed me this message:
I had not seen the 3 occurrences of flying light before yet I had watched the video before. She clearly had eyes to see.
When I looked, sure enough, she was right! And one of the "lights" actually did what I was saying. So I saw 3 occurrences of the lights. Then later when I looked again, I saw 4 lights! What!! But that was not all. I looked another day and saw 5! 2 times before I began to pray and 3 times when I was praying. Now, I am about to go even further. I let a week or 2 go by and I looked at it again. I then understood what was going on. You see, one light shot up as if to cut off a light gray cloud of a shadow that was about to came floating over me. This floating cloud happened 2 times. Then another light, before I began praying, then while in prayer 3 occurrences. Notice when I start speaking about our need to focus our beings up to God and see what the light does! Altogether I counted 5 angelic beings and 2 demonic ones. Then I just saw a 6th, which was very quick. Why? The devil will always want to hinder those who are speaking truth. I am no stranger to resistance of all types, but it sure is nice to actually see an account of God protecting His own.
There are times when only angelic deliverance will keep us safe. We saw this in 1 Chronicles 32:7 when the King of Assyria had King Hezekiah and his soldiers surrounded. Hezekiah encouraged them by saying,
Another instance of angelic protection and deliverance was when Elisha the prophet asked the Lord to open the eyes of his petrified servant Gehazi. This is awesome and closer to what was going on in that video:
I know my life is marked by angelic activity but the enemy is also always attempting to disturb my work for God. (Some of those testimonies are in my book, "Walking in Fulfillment of Prophetic Revelation: The Naturally Supernatural Life," available at the next top tab to my Amazon Author Page). But then, so is yours. I am aware in my case of some of the times God is fighting for me. He chooses when He allows us to be aware because that gives us strength and we know that we are not alone. Some of us need this knowledge more than others. Thank God He knows exactly what His kids need at any given moment.
If you were able to spot anything, that's awesome! But that's not the most important lesson here. Did you notice that as I taught I was in the Spirit with the Lord speaking what He was having me speak and was completely oblivious to the war taking place around me? Friends, that is usually how it is, it is for His own reason that God has allowed this to be visible. He so lovingly wants us to know that He is trustworthy. He is capable of taking care of us and does so without our knowing. It does not matter where we are, He is with us even to the ends of the age. (Matt. 28:20).
Yes, folks, evil exists. We see the effects of it all around us. Yet, the great news is that the enemy is outnumbered and out-powered by God and His Kingdom of light bearers, angelic and human. What happened here is just about proportional as there are 2/3's more angels than there are demons. The enemy has always lost, he is losing (regardless of how things appear), and he will always lose. There is but one side to be on. Which side are you on? Remember, when you are in Christ, He rules. If you are still your own boss, guess what, Jesus is not your Lord.
Video Key:
(Approximate counters, please pay close attention.)
If you had a problem spotting the lights here are some of the approximate time-stamps:
Light: 00:57 - "There is..."
Dark: 00:58
Dark: 01:23
Light: 02:11 - "Those who live according to the Spirit..."
Light: 02:35-02:36 (Very quick flash in front of me.)
Light: 02:47 - "Your Word..."
Light: 03:28 - "Focus upward..."/by my lips
Light: 03:33 - "Focus upward..." Repeated then the light actually went up/by my hair
As times become more intense, our need for God's protection does, too. Most people believe there is a supernatural dimension which is invisible to the natural eye. Yet, we have heard stories of angels appearing to rescue, to announce something, to teach something, to reveal something. All throughout be Bible, we see that God used these "ministering spirits" to do His bidding in as He shepherds the sons and daughters, heirs of salvation. (Hebrews 1:14 - "Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?") Think of the angels as God's divine secret service agents to protect His kids. I believe that I have met at least 3 angels in my lifetime who manifested at people.
The Bible warns us to be kind to all because we have no idea when we would encounter angels. (Hebrews 13:2 - "Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels.") Can you imagine being mean to an angel? Not a great idea. I have had a friend tell me there was an angel sitting on my bed with his arms folded as we were sharing about the Holy Spirit with a young lady whose denomination did not include any teaching or allowances for the things of the Spirit. So when what I am about to share happened, I was shocked and not shocked. Shocked as it was totally unexpected, yet, not shocked because I know that I am protected, as other believers are, by God's angels.
I had recorded a video on the fact that when we, as followers of Jesus Christ, walk in the Spirit, we too fulfill the Law. See Romans 8:1-5. On this video, my friend in- boxed me this message:
"Hey Sonia!!! I was looking at this video and saw something amazing. I'm not sure if you've noticed it or not but take a look. I believe I saw something angelic in your video. I counted 3 times. Looks like light shooting through the room you're in. Do you see it?"Now, your theology might not allow for this but I am bout to show you. You see, I really had not seen it and even now I wonder how a video camera can pick up things going on in the Spirit realm and I believe it may have to do with the lighting. It's either that or God is just allowing it so that people who once doubted would see He is thoroughly involved and in charge of this world.
I had not seen the 3 occurrences of flying light before yet I had watched the video before. She clearly had eyes to see.
When I looked, sure enough, she was right! And one of the "lights" actually did what I was saying. So I saw 3 occurrences of the lights. Then later when I looked again, I saw 4 lights! What!! But that was not all. I looked another day and saw 5! 2 times before I began to pray and 3 times when I was praying. Now, I am about to go even further. I let a week or 2 go by and I looked at it again. I then understood what was going on. You see, one light shot up as if to cut off a light gray cloud of a shadow that was about to came floating over me. This floating cloud happened 2 times. Then another light, before I began praying, then while in prayer 3 occurrences. Notice when I start speaking about our need to focus our beings up to God and see what the light does! Altogether I counted 5 angelic beings and 2 demonic ones. Then I just saw a 6th, which was very quick. Why? The devil will always want to hinder those who are speaking truth. I am no stranger to resistance of all types, but it sure is nice to actually see an account of God protecting His own.
There are times when only angelic deliverance will keep us safe. We saw this in 1 Chronicles 32:7 when the King of Assyria had King Hezekiah and his soldiers surrounded. Hezekiah encouraged them by saying,
"Be strong and courageous; do not be afraid nor dismayed before the king of Assyria, nor before all the multitude that is with him; for there are more with us than with him. 8 With him is an arm of flesh; but with us is the Lord our God, to help us and to fight our battles.” And the people were strengthened by the words of Hezekiah king of Judah.We have this promise that "There are more with us, than there are against us." Be bold and be courageous no matter where you are. God is with you!
Another instance of angelic protection and deliverance was when Elisha the prophet asked the Lord to open the eyes of his petrified servant Gehazi. This is awesome and closer to what was going on in that video:
14 Therefore he sent horses and chariots and a great army there, and they came by night and surrounded the city. 15 And when the servant of the man of God arose early and went out, there was an army, surrounding the city with horses and chariots. And his servant said to him, “Alas, my master! What shall we do?” 16 So he answered, “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” 17 And Elisha prayed, and said, “Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw. And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. 18 So when the Syrians came down to him, Elisha prayed to the Lord, and said, “Strike this people, I pray, with blindness.” And He struck them with blindness according to the word of Elisha.
I know my life is marked by angelic activity but the enemy is also always attempting to disturb my work for God. (Some of those testimonies are in my book, "Walking in Fulfillment of Prophetic Revelation: The Naturally Supernatural Life," available at the next top tab to my Amazon Author Page). But then, so is yours. I am aware in my case of some of the times God is fighting for me. He chooses when He allows us to be aware because that gives us strength and we know that we are not alone. Some of us need this knowledge more than others. Thank God He knows exactly what His kids need at any given moment.
If you were able to spot anything, that's awesome! But that's not the most important lesson here. Did you notice that as I taught I was in the Spirit with the Lord speaking what He was having me speak and was completely oblivious to the war taking place around me? Friends, that is usually how it is, it is for His own reason that God has allowed this to be visible. He so lovingly wants us to know that He is trustworthy. He is capable of taking care of us and does so without our knowing. It does not matter where we are, He is with us even to the ends of the age. (Matt. 28:20).
Yes, folks, evil exists. We see the effects of it all around us. Yet, the great news is that the enemy is outnumbered and out-powered by God and His Kingdom of light bearers, angelic and human. What happened here is just about proportional as there are 2/3's more angels than there are demons. The enemy has always lost, he is losing (regardless of how things appear), and he will always lose. There is but one side to be on. Which side are you on? Remember, when you are in Christ, He rules. If you are still your own boss, guess what, Jesus is not your Lord.
Video Key:
(Approximate counters, please pay close attention.)
If you had a problem spotting the lights here are some of the approximate time-stamps:
Light: 00:57 - "There is..."
Dark: 00:58
Dark: 01:23
Light: 02:11 - "Those who live according to the Spirit..."
Light: 02:35-02:36 (Very quick flash in front of me.)
Light: 02:47 - "Your Word..."
Light: 03:28 - "Focus upward..."/by my lips
Light: 03:33 - "Focus upward..." Repeated then the light actually went up/by my hair