Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Spiritual Warfare Series: Spiritual Warfare Caught on Camera - Pay Very Close Attention


As times become more intense, our need for God's protection does, too. Most people believe there is a supernatural dimension which is invisible to the natural eye. Yet, we have heard stories of angels appearing to rescue, to announce something, to teach something, to reveal something. All throughout be Bible, we see that God used these "ministering spirits"  to do His bidding in as He shepherds the sons and daughters, heirs of salvation. (Hebrews 1:14 - "Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?") Think of the angels as God's divine secret service agents to protect His kids. I believe that I have met at least 3 angels in my lifetime who manifested at people.

The Bible warns us to be kind to all because we have no idea when we would encounter angels. (Hebrews 13:2 - "Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels.") Can you imagine being mean to an angel? Not a great idea. I have had a friend tell me there was an angel sitting on my bed with his arms folded as we were sharing about the Holy Spirit with a young lady whose denomination did not include any teaching or allowances for the things of the Spirit. So when what I am about to share happened, I was shocked and not shocked. Shocked as it was totally unexpected, yet, not shocked because I know that I am protected, as other believers are, by God's angels.


I had recorded a video on the fact that when we, as followers of Jesus Christ, walk in the Spirit, we too fulfill the Law. See Romans 8:1-5. On this video, my friend in- boxed me this message:

"Hey Sonia!!! I was looking at this video and saw something amazing. I'm not sure if you've noticed it or not but take a look. I believe I saw something angelic in your video. I counted 3 times. Looks like light shooting through the room you're in. Do you see it?"
Now, your theology might not allow for this but I am bout to show you. You see, I really had not seen it and even now I wonder how a video camera can pick up things going on in the Spirit realm and I believe it may have to do with the lighting. It's either that or God is just allowing it so that people who once doubted would see He is thoroughly involved and in charge of this world.

I had not seen the 3 occurrences of flying light before yet I had watched the video before. She clearly had eyes to see.



When I looked, sure enough, she was right! And one of the "lights" actually did what I was saying. So I saw 3 occurrences of the lights. Then later when I looked again, I saw 4 lights! What!! But that was not all. I looked another day and saw 5! 2 times before I began to pray and 3 times when I was praying. Now, I am about to go even further. I let a week or 2 go by and I looked at it again. I then understood what was going on. You see, one light shot up as if to cut off a  light gray cloud of a shadow that was about to came floating over me. This floating cloud happened 2 times. Then another light, before I began praying, then while in prayer 3 occurrences. Notice when I start speaking about our need to focus our beings up to God and see what the light does! Altogether I counted 5 angelic beings and 2 demonic ones. Then I just saw a 6th, which was very quick. Why? The devil will always want to hinder those who are speaking truth. I am no stranger to resistance of all types, but it sure is nice to actually see an account of God protecting His own.


There are times when only angelic deliverance will keep us safe. We saw this in 1 Chronicles 32:7 when the King of Assyria had King Hezekiah and his soldiers surrounded. Hezekiah encouraged them by saying,
"Be strong and courageous; do not be afraid nor dismayed before the king of Assyria, nor before all the multitude that is with him; for there are more with us than with him With him is an arm of flesh; but with us is the Lord our God, to help us and to fight our battles.” And the people were strengthened by the words of Hezekiah king of Judah.
We have this promise that "There are more with us, than there are against us." Be bold and be courageous no matter where you are. God is with you!


Another instance of angelic protection and deliverance was when Elisha the prophet asked the Lord to open the eyes of his petrified servant Gehazi. This is awesome and closer to what was going on in that video:

14 Therefore he sent horses and chariots and a great army there, and they came by night and surrounded the city. 15 And when the servant of the man of God arose early and went out, there was an army, surrounding the city with horses and chariots. And his servant said to him, “Alas, my master! What shall we do?” 16 So he answered, “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” 17 And Elisha prayed, and said, “Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw. And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. 18 So when the Syrians came down to him, Elisha prayed to the Lord, and said, “Strike this people, I pray, with blindness.” And He struck them with blindness according to the word of Elisha.

I know my life is marked by angelic activity but the enemy is also always attempting to disturb my work for God. (Some of those testimonies are in my book, "Walking in Fulfillment of Prophetic Revelation: The Naturally Supernatural Life," available at the next top tab to my Amazon Author Page). But then, so is yours. I am aware in my case of some of the times God is fighting for me. He chooses when He allows us to be aware because that gives us strength and we know that we are not alone. Some of us need this knowledge more than others. Thank God He knows exactly what His kids need at any given moment.


If you were able to spot anything, that's awesome! But that's not the most important lesson here. Did you notice that as I taught I was in the Spirit with the Lord speaking what He was having me speak and was completely oblivious to the war taking place around me? Friends, that is usually how it is, it is for His own reason that God has allowed this to be visible. He so lovingly wants us to know that He is trustworthy. He is capable of taking care of us and does so without our knowing. It does not matter where we are, He is with us even to the ends of the age. (Matt. 28:20).


Yes, folks, evil exists. We see the effects of it all around us. Yet, the great news is that the enemy is outnumbered and out-powered by God and His Kingdom of light bearers, angelic and human. What happened here is just about proportional as there are 2/3's more angels than there are demons. The enemy has always lost, he is losing (regardless of how things appear), and he will always lose. There is but one side to be on. Which side are you on? Remember, when you are in Christ, He rules. If you are still your own boss, guess what, Jesus is not your Lord.

Video Key:
(Approximate counters, please pay close attention.)
If you had a problem spotting the lights here are some of the approximate time-stamps:
Light: 00:57 - "There is..."
Dark: 00:58
Dark: 01:23
Light: 02:11 - "Those who live according to the Spirit..."
Light: 02:35-02:36 (Very quick flash in front of me.)
Light: 02:47 - "Your Word..."
Light: 03:28 - "Focus upward..."/by my lips
Light: 03:33 - "Focus upward..." Repeated then the light actually went up/by my hair

Current Events Series: What if ... : My Thoughts on this Election Cycle and the Master Plan


I took 6 years of my life to study law and government and those were good years. I met and worked with some of the most amazing people to date. Yet, I have never worked directly in government only in the business, legal, educational, and financial sectors. I am very well-rounded to say the least. Today, I spend most of my time writing. Hence, the reason we are here. So often, it is during our prayer sessions that God gives the subject of the day with a sense of urgency and fire. Hard to explain but I know when a word is a now word from God.

All of that said, it was not until prayer this morning that God opened my eyes to a few trends and the fact that they may be more than trends. He was bringing some things to the forefront for me to consider and for prayer. I am a prophetic intercessor with a government and law background. Sounds a bit odd but, there you have it. But perhaps, He has bringing something to the fore in my unique situation.

In my masters program at Regent, I did my final directed research paper in 1999 on the subject of "Voting According to Our Values: Black Political Behavior at the Polls." The reason was my fascination with the fact that most black people vote Democrat - more than 90%. Why not a more even distribution? Surely, we are not this homogenous mass of people but made up of individuals with individuals tastes and ideals. I can make that available to those who have an interest in reading it. Yet, I have yet to work in the public sector.

Instead, I have spent the last 8 years of my life in some form of ministry, with various stints in the financial, business, and education sectors. This is the first post in which I blend my worlds and I hope it blesses and brings some clarity to those who are seeking God on what choice to make between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump - both highly flawed individuals, not unlike you and I. This is unlike my other posts on this election as it is not based on a dream, vision, or anything directly biblical. As such, it is not a "Thus sayeth the Lord" but more of Sonia's observations given my biblical worldview. Yet, I believe the Holy Spirit has caused me to be more engaged in this election cycle than any other, even thought He spoke quite a bit in early 2008 about Obama's coming into to office. That was another time when Hillary Clinton was seeking the highest office of the land, which was then denied her. Even when she appeared to be a shoe-in for the nomination and potentially the next president, Barack Hussein Obama beat her out for the Democratic nomination and the rest is history. Clearly, the democrats owed her the nomination next and she obtained it. But I digressed a bit. Again, never have I been so engaged in an election cycle; that's all God's doing. He has great interest in this process and its outcome.


I want to set up a few things for discussion as they came to me today. Those of you who pray, if you are led, please commit these items to prayer. Pray that God's will would be done in this election regardless of our likes and dislikes.

Some of the items below are disturbing to even consider but they are more than plausible. I certainly do not think they are coincidental. I believe God wants us to pay more attention to larger plans that are at play than we do to offensive individuals who aggravate us. That is so often a distraction from what is really happening. In other words, don't get lost in the weeds. Remember, Jesus was very offensive and He was all good and perfect and full of love. Yet, He threatened the powers that were at the time - the religious leaders - and so they sought to kill him. And even that they could not do until God timing had been fulfilled. So although they succeeded in their plan, they were aligning with God's plan to glorify His Son, Jesus Christ, Who only became more powerful than before He died.

It's important to pay attention to the larger plan. And in this election, He certainly has a plan. He always does. What is it? If He is Lord, ask Him if you have ears to hear and vote according to how He instructs. That's if He is Lord. If not, just do your own thing and be at peace with that.


Keep in mind, however, that policies and platforms either enhance national strength, unity, and sovereignty or they can place them in jeopardy - even by the well-meaning. Each platform at play in the upcoming elections has a goal in mind. Not many people will bother to read the platforms or even try to determine what the end plan is. No, most people will vote according to personality and rhetoric that may or may not be backed up by facts. Remember, politicians retain power based on their ability to convince you to vote for them. Usually, it comes down to how much they are able to convey their love for you, your family, and all that you hold dear. Do you know what you hold dear? Of course, only the naïve believe that to be their sole purpose for running for office. I am referring here to the average politician not the idealistic person with only good intentions and a drive to do the right thing. The usual purpose any politician seeks to be elected is to gain and retain power. We, the voters, have to asked ourselves as intelligent value-focused voters, "What is the objective record of their actions?", "What type of fruit did their bear?", "What is their area and scope of success?",  "Does it meet the current and future needs at hand?", "In what, if any, scandals have they been implicated?" These are just a few of the questions we need to be asking before someone earns our vote. For too many people, absolutely no questions are asked, and that is a state statement on our political process.


The Democratic platform is more globally focused and al- encompassing, while the Republican one is more focused on the uniqueness of the U.S. compared to any other country on earth. The Democratic platform and its spokespeople say, "let everyone into the mix and we'll figure it out later." This platform usually appears more compassionate and protective of human rights. However, only a few individuals control the rest while convincing the masses that they really have a voice. This often involved giving or promising enough free stuff to placate them, and worse, to remove the "hunger" to succeed. As this is happening it is taking from them their basic human right to life (by abortion), liberty (by intellectual enslavement and government entitlement), and the pursuit of happiness (by removing the first two). They are usually seen as more unifying and inclusive. Yet, this party, believes is taxing the public as much as possible and spending as much as possible. Often the expenditures amount to squandering the resources of the people on nonsense as well as "social" programs that further enslaves the people to depend more on the government. This is a vicious cycle indeed. It is the "big-government party;" the more the government controls, the better -- for the powers that be. This shows that the "compassion" is often the method by which control is gained and maintained.  [CAVEAT: THIS IS A GENERALIZATION ONLY. NOT ALL DEMOCRATS THINK EXACTLY ALIKE.]


On the other hand the Republican says, wait a minute, we are special, and capable of making our way without the all-encompassing control of the government. The individual is important and capable of accomplishing anything without the government's interference and "Big Daddy" attitude. Everyone is invited to the party who holds to the same basic tenets of individual responsibility and freedom, and consider  sacred the guarantees of the right to life (no abortion on demand), liberty (freedom to achieve or not to achieve any dream), and the pursuit of happiness (as long as the first 2 are secured). To get into the party you should hold this country dear and seek to uphold its laws and to assimilate without losing your identity with what it deems fundamental tenets of conservative government. This platform appears more exclusive and one that lacks compassion for the human condition. It is seen as the party for the wealthy and only concerned about the issues of the wealthy and big business. It's view of compassion is in letting people live their lives and achieve their dreams to the best of their ability with all of the resources available to them. [CAVEAT: THIS IS A GENERALIZATION ONLY. NOT ALL REPUBLICANS THINK EXACTLY ALIKE.]


One of these platforms probably align with your ideals and you should vote according to those values. Additionally, one of these platforms by its very nature would welcome a one world government, while the other is anathema to the very idea of a one world government. One appears more compassionate while the other appears not be less so.



1. This whole war with the police was being staged to put people in general distrust of the police and to move the culture away from trusting in local law enforcement to keep the peace to relying on the more monolithic federal government. This, of course, would increasingly, jeopardize federalism and states' rights.

2. The desire to have open the borders, conveniently letting in those who would upset the balance of law and order so that order would have to be achieved at any cost. A flood of non-vetted refugees and illegal immigrants means more "terroristic" activities to destabilize the nation. We understand some people are illegal because they are pressed without alternative options and are seeking a better life for them and their families. I am not referring to those people but to those with the express desire to bring havoc.

3. Martial law becomes a "necessity" which would mean silencing "The Bill of Rights," and the U.S. Constitution for that matter.

4. This would make it much easier to fall in line with regional then eventually global government.

5. The whole idea is to destabilize the sovereignty necessitating outside help and furthering the argument for safety in numbers, and therefore, joining nations together for the sake of, not national, but regional security, and eventually global security. [Makes you wonder where ISIS (and groups like it) came from, doesn't it?]


Even if this is not exactly how things are being set up, we see these things happening in plain sight - although some people don't want to see. It all makes sense and ties into what the Bible says will eventually happen - A one world government [The Book of Revelation, Chapter 13.] We cannot stop the plan of God necessary to set up His reign on the earth. He is allowing mankind to get very close to the edge of completely destroying himself before stepping in. The Bible says (paraphrasing) that the Kingdom of God allows violence and the violent will take it by storm...and that the gates of hell shall never prevail against God's Kingdom. That tells me things are going to get pretty bad before they get better. Nevertheless, God is in control and the darkest hours (as long as we are in Christ) can also be the brightest ones. It's time to brace ourselves for what is to come yet be hopeful that it's about to get real. That means, real Christians will need to rise to the occasion to deliver the creation as God moves to redeem all.


Sunday, October 23, 2016



This post is a bit of a rapid-fire rollout of word of encouragement. I pray that you will catch in your spirit what is for you and that God would ignite you to walk it out. That is what it's all about. The Bible is not just a bunch of stories with bigger-than-life characters so that we can "ooh!" and "aah! It's about us learning from those people, the Chief of whom is Jesus, and living this abundant life.

Hey, I get it! Life can really put a hurting on you sometimes! However, we can face anything if our heart-focus is on Him and not on the circumstances themselves. What if we were really able to “see” ourselves “seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus?” (Eph. 2:4-6) We would not be defeated, because we would have God’s perspective on everything.

It's impossible to be "defeated" when your eyes are trained on Him and your heart is steadfastly following His lead. Yet, we are human and we get off track at times. The answer to those time is to get right back on track. This faith-walk is a life-long marathon and not a short sprint. So don't feel condemned under any circumstances when you fall down.

Holy Spirit was giving this encouragement so fast, I may not have gotten it all down as I was not recording at the time. So here goes. Catch your NOW word:

1.    Now is the hour to shine, not later, but now! Yes, even while suffering. Especially, while suffering. 
2.    You are the closest some people will get to Jesus before they get to Jesus. Others are watching your response to challenges.
3.    Take a heavenly perspective in all things.
4.    When we are tempted to respond in the flesh, stop, ask Holy Spirit to help you respond as Jesus would. Sounds cliché, but it really works!
5.    If you do not do #4, you will displease the Lord and possibly bring a reproach to His name because we say we are His.
6.    When we respond in the flesh we have stepped out of "faith;' but to respond in the Spirit is to respond in faith. Spirit-Faith; Flesh-Sight. "The just shall life by faith."
7.    Treat each moment as precious.
8.    Take every opportunity to shine His light as you never know how much longer anyone has. Have you capitalized on showing forth his love and sharing the Gospel? Don't forget, we want to have no regrets when we stand before God.
9.    This is a biggie: Offense blinds us to what God is doing and the victories we are gaining through Him.
10. Without the cup of suffering there can be no glory. 
11. The cup of suffering represents the opportunity to glorify God and to share in the glory Jesus gained after His suffering. To share in the glory we must share in the suffering. For each of us that looks differently. That is why He tells us that we each individually have to pick up our cross and follow Him. Follow Him where? To the Cross of Calvary where our flesh is crucified and we die to self. Then, and only then, can we experience the resurrection in glory, spiritually for now until it happens physically as well at His coming.  We get a foretaste and deposit now with a touch of glory of the coming glory. We cannot even begin imagine what that would be like.

12. To put it another way: To share in His glory we must share in His suffering -- willingly. Since Jesus never complained in His hour of suffering, we should not either. Paul and Silas had a praise and worship service in prison not knowing what they would face. Can we do that in our suffering? Jesus asked the Father to forgive His murderers? Can we do that when we experience a little persecution? 
13. John 8:19  - In calling out the hypocrisy of the Pharisees right in the temple, Jesus was challenging the lions in the lions' own den. He told them they did not know the Father because they did not even know Him. In other words, He told them they were not men of God. What? In the temple? He could have been arrested right then and there. But the Bible tells us His time had not yet come. No one can lay a hand on you or I unless God has already ordained it, and by then, He has already prepared you for it. In John 8:14, Jesus tells the Pharisees that He knows where He came from and where He was going to. Friend, He also knew that the only way to get back to where He came from was through suffering on the Cross and completing the purpose for His coming in the first place. There was no other way. 

14. John 8:20 - Jesus was speaking in a way that could endangered His life then and there but He did it anyway. Jesus knew the Father had total control of his times and seasons. He was in good hands and so are we.


Oh, friends, aren't you glad that the second Adam did not do what the first Adam did in disobeying the will of God for HIs life? Jesus knew that glory would be His again but only through the gateway of suffering. He came in human form to complete a task. Had He not completed that task, what do you think the chances were of being received back up into heaven. I believe, none. That would mean He would have done what the first Adam did and missed the mark completely. If He had sinned against God in going against His will, we would become like every other sinful man and not God. The ramifications of such an event is too much to measure so I will not attempt it. Suffice it to say, no, He had to drink that cup of suffering in dying on the Cross, finishing the task so that He could indeed say, "It is finished." Than and only then, could He be received up again. Of course, this is conjecture because it did not happen that way. 

Praise God that we never experience suffering alone as Jesus had to. We get to have Him with us by the Companionship of the Holy Spirit even to the end of the age. (Matt. 18:20).

As Paul said, our present affliction pales in comparison to our future glory!
2 Corinthians 4:17-18
17 For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, 18 while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Questioning God Series: The Second Question I Asked God: Why is the Enemy Always After My Mother


This is part 2 of the questions I asked God when He used a sign to answer my first questions resurfacing a video I had made earlier this year. Signs I had certainly never seen before, having watched the video more than once.

My 2nd question to God was: Why is the enemy always after my mother? The answer was in her name, and to emphasize I was on the right track, the devotional we read that day (I'm not kidding) confirmed it! This is the reality of Whom God is!

My mom's name is Constance and through various methods, God said that my mom represents the constancy of His love, put another way, she embodies His constant love. My mom is a reminder of God's constant love not only for me and my family but for all of us. Why is that a big deal? The enemy has no weapon against God's love. Plain and simple. Love never ends."  See 1 Corinthians 13:8,13 & Romans 8:37-39.

Romans 8:37-39.

37 Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.

38 For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, 39 nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.


As we were reading my "Jesus Calling" devotional on October 8th, the morning after I had asked the question, it read, "I love you with an everlasting love. The human mind cannot comprehend my constancy." Then later on the same page, I read, "You need of me is as constant as the outflow of my love for you." It's a great one, read the whole thing for yourself. This is by far one of the best devotionals available out there. I love this one and my favorite by Oswald Chambers, "My Utmost for His Highest."

Just like that, the Lord told me my mom's calling, purpose, and destiny! She is a constant reminder of God's love. Now, my mom is about to turn 88, that means that God would have this continue. I spend a great deal of time with her by God's design. He has given me a desire to honor her and really be her friend and in many ways a spiritual protector. She is a carrier of his love, whether or not she knows it or always acts like it. Also, by God's design we have some of the most amazing times in God's presence and sometimes I have to say to her, how can you just sit there with waves of his glory just flowing. Sometimes she is so in it that she does not act like it if that makes sense. She is a carrier that does not necessary always manifest the quality nor the quantity, of what she carries but she is a carrier nonetheless. That is the reason the enemy attacks her, yet to no avail. And that is the reason he would like to interrupt our flow of receiving from Him together.

God's servant thrives no matter what the evil one tries to do to her. So the lessons she represents to us is:

1. God loves you, it will never stop, and there is nothing you can do about it.
2. Stay connected to Him, in His will and nothing will be able to harm you,
3. Anything that is allowed to touch you will only be for your good and to make you stronger
4. LIghten up! God's got you!
5. God back to # 1

His love for you is constant so always remember the constancy of God's love!!!

What is your mom carrying that she can pass on to you for glory of the King and the good of His Kingdom. What are you carrying to pass on to the next generation? 

As I continue to receive the blessings of her presence, I am reminded that the generational blessings last for a 1000 generations while the curses only last for FOUR!!!  God wants to overflow our lives and the lives of our family members with HIS BLESSINGS!

Read Deuteronomy 28, especially the first 14 verses, which contain the blessings of obedience and beware of the 54 verses of the curses of disobedience. [Yes, I know that Christ became the curse but unless you are in Christ you are still under the law with the curses of disobedience.]

Let's receive what He is giving us from those closest to us and walk in His blessings all the days of our lives, into eternity.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Questioning God Series: We Know that God Answers Prayers; but Do You Know He Also Answers Questions?

A Little Intro

I spend a great deal of time with my dear mother and a good bit of that time is spent in prayer and reading Scripture. It's almost always an amazing time in His presence....when we separate ourselves unto it. By separating ourselves, I mean He is front and center in our focus and He is the Star. We "sit at His feet" and wait for Him to share what He wants us to know and to walk in. Last night was one of those nights. I do wish I could record those moments. They are precious and very real.

Romans 8, Again!

Last night, we found ourselves in Romans 8 again, and it is our 2nd night on the first 11 verses. Why Romans 8, because it is all about identity! Anyway, I will try not to be very long. I have been wondering about my ministry direction, sometimes being absolutely sure about it and other times, "What do you want me to do, Lord?" type of questions. As in, "What's next?" Well last night as we spend more time in Romans 8, keeping in mind that years ago I had developed some materials in identity from this chapter of the Bible, I was beginning to think this might be a good place to base my ministry on equipping the Body and helping people identify why they are here. God was bringing this back to me. As a matter of fact if you go to my website on my ministry page at , you'll see a chunk of Romans 8 right there but not necessarily the 'identity' and walking in the spirit verses. Yet, I believe those 1st eleven verses are, perhaps, to be the crux of where I place emphasis in ministering identity to people.

I was questioning and getting a bit discouraged about what, when and really just needing to be quiet before the Lord. (Frankly, we can only worry when we are in the flesh.) Then we read Romans 8. This is exactly where I needed to be.

Ministry Questions Answered and Confirmed ... Again!

Later on in the evening, as I looked at a late message I received on Facebook, a dear sister had inboxed me. She told me that as she was doing research on a subject she was to speak on, she came across one of my videos on, of course Romans 8. I was specifically speaking about how when we walk in the Spirit, we are fulfilling the law like Jesus did. Frankly, I had never heard that before in all my years of following Christ, never zeroed in on this fact. But I needed to know this in this season for various reasons that are now coming to light. But there is so much victory in that fact alone.

God Showed Up with Signs

The interesting part of her message was that she believed she saw some angelic activity on the video, not once but 3 times. She wondered if I had noticed it, and of course, I had not, even having looked at it since recording it last January. Well, I looked it again and had to agree with her because I did see them. God was speaking to me and I was noting HIs approval and direction. I am not a stranger to angelic activity but this I had to note as a personal that God was giving the go-ahead.  Again, God was not only answering my questions about the specific area of ministry but that He was with me in it.

Matt. 28:19-20:

Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.

My sister in Christ had no idea how God had used her to encourage me and to confirm his very direction for this ministry in helping people understand their identity, as dead to flesh and newly alive in Spirit and to walk in it as Jesus did.

Soooo, re realize that really, in order to "walk in fulfillment" you have to know what God's vision is for your life. Here is the video and blog post You too can be the fulfillment of the law and here is the video

I hope you saw the flashes of light. Now, what's the big deal? I wanted God to confirm His direction....again, and He did!


So what questions are you asking God? "Why am I here?" "What am I supposed to do?" "How do I get/get back on track?" Substitute your own question to God.

Remember, prayer is not only giving God your list. Prayer is a 2-way conversation; that means we must also listen. And listening is not with our physical ears, but with our heart to perceive His "voice." We also need to "listen" with our eyes, yes, our eyes. I had to read my friend's note and be open to seeing what God was showing in His sign, that "yes" you are moving in the right direction. Some people are sure of everything and they have their detailed 5-year plan. I am one of those take-1-step-at-a-time people. I may know plans years in advance but the steps to get there are 1 at a time, and how I get to my destination is rarely how others would. Yet, that's my walk. Yours is also tailor-made for you, by God.

All of us at some point in our lives are seeking out the wrong things in the wrong way. This is why most people are miserable. Often it's whatever would be more profitable - materially, or get the most attention, power, or prestige. I am not wealthy or any of those things, but that does not mean I could not have been...if I were willing to compromise everything multiple times. What a waste that would have been! Everything in its season. First seek God and He will add everything else. (Matt. 6:33).

Thank God for the Body of Christ and those who are truly His! No doubt there will always be naysayers, detractors, and scorners. That's life. Our charge is to love even them, but never take their bad counsel or opinions to heart. The only "couragement" we need to accept is the encouragement of the Holy Spirit directly or through His people. If God wants you to change direction, let Him do it, but never let the opinion of others, no matter how "well-meaning," swerve you off your God-given course.

Blessings and shalom in Christ!

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Revelation Series: What to Do When You Receive Revelation from God

What to do when you get a revelation from God. How do you then truly make it your own?
This a common question and it takes wisdom to even ask it or want to do something about it. Many are fascinated by it and most people stop there. That, unfortunately, often limits the revelation to temporary euphoria, because, after all, there is great joy in it. However,  that is not the full intent of why God gave it.

Let's have a brief lesson on how to receive and walk in revelation from God's Word.

What you do not want to do is just think it's great, then gloss over it, forget it, and go on about your business. That is not why He reveals Himself to us. And folks, WE NEED REVELATION to prosper, inwardly and outwardly, in this day and age. So how do we BECOME the revelation we receive? 


First, and it probably goes without saying but this is a very important step. We have to acknowledge it. Most of us are living very busy lives. We have to take a pause, get quiet before God and make sure we are receiving ALL of it. I have not always done this. Next thing you know, you are going off and doing something based on a partial revelation. God wants you to GET it, ALL OF IT! Don't just blow past it. WAIT. Tell someone if He leads you to. I tend to blog and FB what God reveals so that those who connect with the word can have access to it, too. I am definitely one of those "shout it from the rooftop" type servants. And guess, what? It's that kind of season. I usually know what is just for me and what is not. Many of mine are usually not just for me because I am an equipper.

NEXT, of course, you have to also ...

This may also be another very basic step but, remember the parable of the Sower. The seed that the enemy tends try to steel is the word planted in people's hearts. He knows a person who walks in a revelatory level of faith in Jesus Christ is dangerous. The easiest thing for Him to do is to rob you of that Word, especially of the revealed Word. You have to be rooted in the Body of Christ and the Word of God, and most importantly an intimate relationship with Jesus so that you are not robbed of what was revealed to you. So you have to accept the TRUTH of it and DO NOT DOUBT. Eve doubted the truth of what God told them, and look what happened. We are still "suffering" from that brief time of doubt in the truth of what God had told them. Listen, as long as it is from God that is as good (consistent with His word and confirmed by His Spirit), then that's as solid as it gets. His Word cannot return to Him void of it's effectiveness. Once its sent it will do what He intends it to do. So BELIEVE IT!

Then by FAITH and ACTION ...

3. RECEIVE it. If He gave it to you, the GRACE is also there to walk in it, but it may require you to do something uncomfortable for your personality, etc. It really depends on what it is. You can depend on the fact that a REVELATION FROM GOD IS DESIGNED TO STRETCH YOU IN YOUR CURRENT CIRCUMSTANCES. It is a NOW WORD FROM GOD! We know that faith requires action, without any action, it is dead. Receiving the revelation could be as simple as sharing it, which might, in and of itself, be an uncomfortable thing for you to do, especially if it seems outlandish and impossible. If it's a truth from the Word which is primarily what I am referring to here, it may be something you had just accepted and read before without knowing how to walk it out. But you must RECEIVE IT FOR YOURSELF.

That's right! It's great to read how David did this or that or how Sampson, Joshua, Moses....pick a hero from the Bible. Pick anyone of the many Bible characters who overcame great odds by the Spirit of God. Pick someone in recent History God used mightily to do something impossible. Now, you have to receive it for you, too. YOUR "IMPOSSIBILITY" might be in your current situation. Your "impossibility" is not necessarily the one I may be facing. One thing is sure, OUR "IMPOSSIBLITIES" ARE GOD'S POSSIBILITIES EVERY TIME! God never changes. What was available to those I biblical times is available to us in greater measure because of Jesus Christ. Simple faith is the key.

Then and only then, will it be possible to ...

WALK in it!
This is when the REVELATION is like an application having been installed in the system of your being, so that you can use it to war with when the enemy come with doubt and defeat. HE IS A DEFEATED FOE WHO WILL ALWAYS OPPOSE YOUR REVELATION. YOUR JOB IS TO WALK IN THE VICTORY JESUS CHRIST WON ON THE CROSS OF CALVARY!!