Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Revelation Series: What to Do When You Receive Revelation from God

What to do when you get a revelation from God. How do you then truly make it your own?
This a common question and it takes wisdom to even ask it or want to do something about it. Many are fascinated by it and most people stop there. That, unfortunately, often limits the revelation to temporary euphoria, because, after all, there is great joy in it. However,  that is not the full intent of why God gave it.

Let's have a brief lesson on how to receive and walk in revelation from God's Word.

What you do not want to do is just think it's great, then gloss over it, forget it, and go on about your business. That is not why He reveals Himself to us. And folks, WE NEED REVELATION to prosper, inwardly and outwardly, in this day and age. So how do we BECOME the revelation we receive? 


First, and it probably goes without saying but this is a very important step. We have to acknowledge it. Most of us are living very busy lives. We have to take a pause, get quiet before God and make sure we are receiving ALL of it. I have not always done this. Next thing you know, you are going off and doing something based on a partial revelation. God wants you to GET it, ALL OF IT! Don't just blow past it. WAIT. Tell someone if He leads you to. I tend to blog and FB what God reveals so that those who connect with the word can have access to it, too. I am definitely one of those "shout it from the rooftop" type servants. And guess, what? It's that kind of season. I usually know what is just for me and what is not. Many of mine are usually not just for me because I am an equipper.

NEXT, of course, you have to also ...

This may also be another very basic step but, remember the parable of the Sower. The seed that the enemy tends try to steel is the word planted in people's hearts. He knows a person who walks in a revelatory level of faith in Jesus Christ is dangerous. The easiest thing for Him to do is to rob you of that Word, especially of the revealed Word. You have to be rooted in the Body of Christ and the Word of God, and most importantly an intimate relationship with Jesus so that you are not robbed of what was revealed to you. So you have to accept the TRUTH of it and DO NOT DOUBT. Eve doubted the truth of what God told them, and look what happened. We are still "suffering" from that brief time of doubt in the truth of what God had told them. Listen, as long as it is from God that is as good (consistent with His word and confirmed by His Spirit), then that's as solid as it gets. His Word cannot return to Him void of it's effectiveness. Once its sent it will do what He intends it to do. So BELIEVE IT!

Then by FAITH and ACTION ...

3. RECEIVE it. If He gave it to you, the GRACE is also there to walk in it, but it may require you to do something uncomfortable for your personality, etc. It really depends on what it is. You can depend on the fact that a REVELATION FROM GOD IS DESIGNED TO STRETCH YOU IN YOUR CURRENT CIRCUMSTANCES. It is a NOW WORD FROM GOD! We know that faith requires action, without any action, it is dead. Receiving the revelation could be as simple as sharing it, which might, in and of itself, be an uncomfortable thing for you to do, especially if it seems outlandish and impossible. If it's a truth from the Word which is primarily what I am referring to here, it may be something you had just accepted and read before without knowing how to walk it out. But you must RECEIVE IT FOR YOURSELF.

That's right! It's great to read how David did this or that or how Sampson, Joshua, Moses....pick a hero from the Bible. Pick anyone of the many Bible characters who overcame great odds by the Spirit of God. Pick someone in recent History God used mightily to do something impossible. Now, you have to receive it for you, too. YOUR "IMPOSSIBILITY" might be in your current situation. Your "impossibility" is not necessarily the one I may be facing. One thing is sure, OUR "IMPOSSIBLITIES" ARE GOD'S POSSIBILITIES EVERY TIME! God never changes. What was available to those I biblical times is available to us in greater measure because of Jesus Christ. Simple faith is the key.

Then and only then, will it be possible to ...

WALK in it!
This is when the REVELATION is like an application having been installed in the system of your being, so that you can use it to war with when the enemy come with doubt and defeat. HE IS A DEFEATED FOE WHO WILL ALWAYS OPPOSE YOUR REVELATION. YOUR JOB IS TO WALK IN THE VICTORY JESUS CHRIST WON ON THE CROSS OF CALVARY!!



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